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What Do You Do When You Can't Ride?

C_T_C monty

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Hello all,

On friday night (7th April) i split my eye brow open :blink: .

And i had to have 9 stiches and the doctor said that i can't ride until the stiches come out :S,

So im going to ride a little when ever i can.

So i was wondering when you can't ride what do you do??

thanks, Charlie

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Erm , why can't you ride with a split eye brow, its not like you use it in trials (or when doing anything else) :S

But if for some reason i can't ride, i do one of my many other sports.

Edited by wayn3
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Erm , why can't you ride with a split eye brow, its not like you use it in trials (or when doing anything else) :S

But if for some reason i can't ride, i do one of my many other sports.

The doctor said i can't ride because if i knock it or somthing it could rip the stiches out and get infected :ermm: .

So i'm going to play it safe :D


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The doctor said i can't ride because if i knock it or somthing it could rip the stiches out and get infected :ermm: .

So i'm going to play it safe :D


Don't be a pussy charlie! Go and ride, Or lend me your bike :D PLEASE :-

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I've got f**ked up feet and also can't ride. I'm quite used to not riding as firstly I had broken my wrist and haven't ridden for 6 months, than feet, after healing feet, I have to treat it with laser (f**king wart).

What I do??

Currently it's hard to even walk so I sit and do shit nothing...:((( Mostly watch bt movies just not to get crazy (although by watching bt movies I feel crazy:P).

Maybe learn?? It's coming to end of school year so it would be nice to get good grades;p

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Its so annoying when you cant ride (N) . I usualy just go out with my mates, which most of the time is crap :ermm:

How did you split your eye brow open??


Well i was on my trampoline with my mate and it was all wet and slippery and i did a front flip, and as i landed my feet slid out beneath me and my head smash onto the steel ring that goes round the trampoline >_<

So i went in and my dad said we have to go hospital :huh: because you could see my skull :lol:

It was kinda cool :P


Don't be a pussy charlie! Go and ride, Or lend me your bike :D PLEASE :-

Yer corse, you can borrow my bike :P

( note the Sarcasm )


Edited by sxc charlie
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Get stoned (Y)

It'll also wipe off most of the pain, then there will be lots to do, e.g eat for an hour (Deffinately possible, more than likely probable lol) , and of course sleep ahhhh mmmmmmm

Should sort you out for something to do, and if you stop a few days before riding, you'll get really hyper and energetic and you'll be able to ride really well.

Hope I've helped,


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I, very recently, cracked a rib riding to a spot with a mate (N) . I rode all the way there did a few hops (hurt like hell though). When i came home it didn't hurt too much. The next moring I woke up couldn't move so i went to the hospital and it turns ive bruised 3 ribs and cracked one.

So im in the same position, I may go out riding tomorow if i feel up to it. It's boring as hell not riding though.

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Hello all,

On friday night (7th April) i split my eye brow open :blink: .

And i had to have 9 stiches and the doctor said that i can't ride until the stiches come out :S,

So im going to ride a little when ever i can.

So i was wondering when you can't ride what do you do??

thanks, Charlie

Hey I split my eyebrow open back in the day when I used to skateboard alot... I stamped on the end and it flipped up and hit me in the head - no joke. I had paper stitches over it.

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