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Right i have a hell of a stupid task ahead of me and i really could do with the help of all you professionals.

I have a fair idea of most bike brands, but it's as follows. I need to list every bike brand in a category of A, B, C or D. A would be the unbranded and crappy items that would all break super easy and maybe the cheapest of bike manufacturers. B would be the bottom end but more commonly known and used, like apollo etc. C being better manufacturers like carrera etc. leaving D for the Grand-Daddy of manufacturers.

This is such a damn hard task because as you could understand people like Shimano make uber crap cranks but then going up to the XTR range of cranks they get good. FSA make the powerpoo cranks and other crap models but then they also go right up to the Road Racing carbon fiber models how the hell can i list them in order?

I have found a super huge list of bike manufacturers and have been told that i dont need to deal with all them. Which is good because i couldnt see how i would be able to categorise bike brands that i have never heard of before! I have to do the same thing with components as the actual bike manufacturers but not why each part is better than another, why the particular brand is better than another.

Surely it all comes down to personal preference though?

Any help would be soooo greatly appreciated,

stu (Y)

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I have a fair idea of most bike brands, but it's as follows. I need to list every bike brand in a category of A, B, C or D. A would be the unbranded and crappy items that would all break super easy and maybe the cheapest of bike manufacturers. B would be the bottom end but more commonly known and used, like apollo etc. C being better manufacturers like carrera etc. leaving D for the Grand-Daddy of manufacturers.

Well you would break down the bikes into there complete bikes wouldnt you?

like universal whos the shitters although they own silverfox which is the middle and muddyfox which is the top? (or other way round) what have you got to do this for??? Do you actually want a list of some of the bikes ill give it a bash if you want

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This is for building a database for an insurance company. For the bikes as complete i have negotiated with them that it's basically the more you pay the better the bike is. So most expensive is going to be top end and cheapest bottom end that part i have worked out so i think i can do that.

What im left stuck with is the components that go on the bikes. They want reasons like why Raceface would be better than Middleburn, that's if that is true. Personally i prefer middleburn because i use them and they have never broken ever. Many of you on here may have the exact same experience with Raceface cranks, or even Truvativ ones - so which one is better? I dont know how to tell.

If you have the time to populate a list that would be great and really appreciated.

cheers, stu (Y)

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You need to convince these people that all parts in certain price ranges will be designed and used for different things. So there is no "better"part. Also as you say personal preference comes into it a lot. The best thing to do is to get an insurance quote from an LBS. (Y)

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Well i have managed to categorise the bike frames it's not as hard with them because you can relatively go by price, i got 88 "commonly-known" bike frame manufacturers!

Now gotta do it with the parts, this is the most awkward part. I got some quotes online but they just ask how much is your bike worth and ask for a postcode, you give them that information and they give you a quote. I really do think most of this comes down to personal preference though.

hmmm let's see how that goes.........

Cheers so far people, stu (Y)

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