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Just Got In And Far Too Drunk


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that was tremendously fun. East 17 live at Creation club, Brighton :D I'm pretty sure they sucked but it was fairly amusing after a few too many vodka redbulls. No Tony Mortimer either. Some fit biatches in da club as fiddy would say so thats all gravy. Everybody in the house of love! Brian Harvey you prat.... dont run yourself over again

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f**k!! I've just drunk far too much and now I've got a 10 page report on a program i've yet to write and a flow chart to draw by 12 o'clock tomorrow!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! Looks like another all nighter :(

..............don't worry i've got a quadruple sugared black coffee and a pack of pro plus to sort me out, this is gonna be one kick arse report!!

Edited by Super Death Monkey
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  • 2 weeks later...

mmmmmmmmmm im well drunk, love you all. Someone put vodka in my fosters nd i am wnoew well drunnk and i fet to f**k my gdf haha and she got one of them vibration tihings for mycock. Tasha says hello by the way. oh my god i ve got work tomorow wtf wankers i work at hell frauds lol love ugt alll.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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mmmmmmmmmm im well drunk, love you all. Someone put vodka in my fosters nd i am wnoew well drunnk and i fet to f**k my gdf haha and she got one of them vibration tihings for mycock. Tasha says hello by the way. oh my god i ve got work tomorow wtf wankers i work at hell frauds lol love ugt alll.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

quoted for clarity, so he cant stealth edit it in the morning...

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Im pissed, can type properly i think, about as good a beau tehe

went kebab shoop, got kebab for me n cips for mum

some bloke said police as i was pissing outside cats protection next to kebab shop so i stared at him n he was like oooh sorry mate sorry so i told him to f**k off n carried on

on way home from kebab went thought macdonalds drive through for a mcflurry for me n sundae for my mum

got home

wrote a bulletin on myspace

postedi n here

typed quite well

oh yeah cousens 18th bday paty at pub (Y)

not bad for a pissed post i dont htink although i am writing loads without stoppng at the moment...... BLAHHH!

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Im pissed, can type properly i think, about as good a beau tehe

went kebab shoop, got kebab for me n cips for mum

some bloke said police as i was pissing outside cats protection next to kebab shop so i stared at him n he was like oooh sorry mate sorry so i told him to f**k off n carried on

on way home from kebab went thought macdonalds drive through for a mcflurry for me n sundae for my mum

got home

wrote a bulletin on myspace

postedi n here

typed quite well

oh yeah cousens 18th bday paty at pub (Y)

not bad for a pissed post i dont htink although i am writing loads without stoppng at the moment...... BLAHHH!

Here is said bulletin:

HJAHA just got in from cosins 18th


Went kebab shop, had to go next door and piss outsode cats protection place, some bloke said police so i stayed at him n he wasl ike oh sorry mate sorry so i told him to f**k off and carried on pissing

on way home from kebab shop went macdonalds drive through for McFlurrys and sundaes,

qwaiting for food my mum turned up music as loud as her little sound system would go while i jused my fdinger to scooop up kebabv/salad

bloke serving food tried chatting up my mum so i decided to give a little playfull abiuse (Y)

got home

wrote a bulliten


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im in a french guys house and im drunk the keyboard is all jumbled up syupid frnch people i ts harder to typee tommorow i hqve to be up at 5:30 wooo hooooo itll be fun qnd they hqve kicked me out of ,y house so i hqave no wear to live which is nice

im on my own and i live on my own my mum has gone back to england now i can do what i want i have to look for a flat and tommorrow i have to be at work at 5:30 oh crap thats not good stupid french keyboard i dont know where any of the letters are ok great and i was rumberling thorought attick and i found the original copy of the bible, which was nice

The fast show rules i love that show well im getting tired of typing im gonna go look for some flats bye bye bye bye bye bèye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye one more time bye

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got proppa plastered drunk far too much got really wunk and then got kicked outta the club so i had to sit for for an hour and wait for geo jacj and and joey to get outta there till the last train i really wasntr haooy but i didn get a cider in toilets and the bloke was like what are you gay? snorting coke or rolloing a splif..... so my matge was like meh were gay and then the bouncer went to get the pololice so we ran away and then my friend got into a fight with a bouncer so i was like f**k offa him so then they attacked me then the police cme there were like 1,000,000 police down ythe seafrotn so we had to runb away from them like 100 times and there was this really fat fuvcjer like 17 stone and looked kinda like ben)_cox and he was egging me on so i brought him some beef so i dumped tackled him hahahha what a wanker but i landed on top of him so it was all gravy and i am a very happy b*****d oh an some fack f**ker punched me so i had a fat lip what a wanker,,,,,,,, ig wve got a Traffic sign and went garden hoopping and had a row with the kebab owner people because they said they didnt sell kebabes waht tossers...... ANYWAY im off to play xbiox with the lads now....

donate muchael sider fund? trialsforum donation fund for me? becayse i need more? sed to 19 barncombe SS74AQ mother f**kers need mroe mroe more...... please :(

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got proppa plastered drunk far too much got really wunk and then got kicked outta the club so i had to sit for for an hour and wait for geo jacj and and joey to get outta there till the last train i really wasntr haooy but i didn get a cider in toilets and the bloke was like what are you gay? snorting coke or rolloing a splif..... so my matge was like meh were gay and then the bouncer went to get the pololice so we ran away and then my friend got into a fight with a bouncer so i was like f**k offa him so then they attacked me then the police cme there were like 1,000,000 police down ythe seafrotn so we had to runb away from them like 100 times and there was this really fat fuvcjer like 17 stone and looked kinda like ben)_cox and he was egging me on so i brought him some beef so i dumped tackled him hahahha what a wanker but i landed on top of him so it was all gravy and i am a very happy b*****d oh an some fack f**ker punched me so i had a fat lip what a wanker,,,,,,,, ig wve got a Traffic sign and went garden hoopping and had a row with the kebab owner people because they said they didnt sell kebabes waht tossers...... ANYWAY im off to play xbiox with the lads now....

donate muchael sider fund? trialsforum donation fund for me? becayse i need more? sed to 19 barncombe SS74AQ mother f**kers need mroe mroe more...... please :(

amd you wanna ride tomoz, your not gonna be in a stable manner to ride :P

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