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Should We Be Scared Of The Bird Flue?


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hey... i know i have bin really sad and now posted 3 lame and pointless topics but im hyper/bored/tired and so i thought i would post...

so should we be scared of the bird flue? apparently if it does mutate so that humans can catch it, millions could die :( panic... what do you reckon?

cheers Jonny

(please dont take the micky out of me :P )

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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According to the documentary that was on bbc several weeks back it is not possible to catch bird flu from easting poultry, even if its infected. It is also not going to harm people to carry on taking kids down to the park to feed the ducks. Based on this i would not be worried at all, its mostly just media hype... i mean if they didn't say there was some nasty new risk involved with it or that something is going in the u.k. now then people wouldn't want to buy the papers to find out at how much of a risk they are at. ;)

Yes its deadly, but the only risk really is to people who work with and come into contact with birds for large parts of the day. :closedeyes:

I mean the biggest news thing on the radio today was that 40 birds somewhere up north were being "tested" for it... f**k me they've had they're blood taken, all of england must be about to catch a "supervirus" and we're all going to die. :-

Just excercise a bit of caution, if you see a shit load of birds who look like they've got some funky kind of hang over... failing that just wild birds, don't go over and start licking them.

Have you ever tried to go over and touch (not in that way pervert :sick: ) wild birds anyway? Don't the majority of them fly away?

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As the guy above said, you can't really catch it unless you deliberately tried to, pretty much. So unless you fancy dining on some tasty bird shit, or eating some tasty raw dead bird, you're pretty much fine, really. I can't remember the details about how it'd have to pass on to humans and then spread around, but we should be fine, basically...

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Narr its a load of people paniking cos there is a slight threat of something. The ones in Scotland aint even confirmed as having the Bird Flu, just the H5 strand which isn't actually the contageous form of bird flu.

and also i wouldn't be scared of a Flue as thats something that goes on a boiler, hehe :P , kidding


Edited by fruitbat
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The problem is not that we might catch the flu off birds. That will affect weird people like pigeon handlers and oddballs like that. The problem is as most people know, if it mutates into a form that can pass from human to human. This might have escaped you, but the death rate from the people who have caught the H5N1 (from birds) is stupidly high. It's not just a case of having a runny nose.

Anyway, we're due for a flu epidemic. There has been an extra amazing flu that killed millions every 20-30 years since records began. The longest space between epidemics has been 37 years. The last one was in 1960, so you can do the maths. Sooo, just chillax. It's natural, people will die but there's f**k all you can do. So there's no point fretting :P

The ones in Scotland aint even confirmed as having the Bird Flu, just the H5 strand which isn't actually the contageous form of bird flu.

I thought they had confirmed it as H5N1 now?

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I thought they had confirmed it as H5N1 now?

I dunno they may have done, bah idont watch the news. If i/we get it i/we get it, what can we do

Not gonna change the way i eat my chicken etc.

If the country was that worried about it before they should have taken precautionary measures to try prevent an outbreak, but all they did was relax and think, 'oh we'll deal with it when it gets here'


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h5n1 ???? :huh: why not give it a really cool/nasty sounding name like rincspastinox :P

Because there is different strands. H5 is normal flu, where as N1 is the dangerous one that mutate and kills the birds rather than just making them ill.

I wouldn't be worried yet, don't think i'll ever really care either.

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Anyway, we're due for a flu epidemic. There has been an extra amazing flu that killed millions every 20-30 years since records began. The longest space between epidemics has been 37 years. The last one was in 1960, so you can do the maths. Sooo, just chillax. It's natural, people will die but there's f**k all you can do. So there's no point fretting :P

heh , expect 3 million pm's asking for a cure to bird flu

no, no need to be worried. I'll get there first anyway, if any bird tries to give me the flu i'll squirt HIV in the little bastards mouth

i love you

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Because there is different strands. H5 is normal flu, where as N1 is the dangerous one that mutate and kills the birds rather than just making them ill.

The name is due to the surface proteins. I *think* all influenza viruses have a H protein and an N protein. And depending on whichever version of that protein they have, they are named accordingly. So the H5N1 virus has type 5 of the H protein and type 1 of the N.

So there are H2N2 viruses (for example) which I think was the most common flu virus last winter - and hence was one of 3 types vaccinated against.

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it happens all the time. terrorism? foot and mouth? aids? its how the media works.

you watch the news about bird flu because you want the latest update and inbetween that you get adverts.

its how the media and advertising businesses operate. hype.

anyone seen signs? i'm beginning to sound like the bloke in the bookshop. heh

but yeah, its another way to sell papers and get viewers.

although i'm not denying the existence of said killer flu. Tomm is right , we're due for another epidemic. although i dont think its quite as bad as the news are making it out to be. (think SARS)

however , should i get bird flu and die , you will all be able to appreciate the irony and laugh at my death.

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Well it's probably better to overreact and make people concious of the threat the virus poses than to keep quiet and then announce that already 10k people have died. So far everybody but the government are happy - the media have got a good plot, we make fun of the media blowing the trumpet, the NHS is probably earning a great deal on anti-flu injections and the birds finally feel important. Only joking :P

I couldn't care less. It was similar with SARS - originated from the East but didn't really spread because they took care of it. Bird flu has but we're Europeans, we can take care of it! B)

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All I can think of is SARS. What exactly did that do? I dunno but I don't remember the death count being huge, 160 rings a bell. If it does happen at all I will be suprised. I think there's more chance of catching maleria in east london to be honest.

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You love life don't you Alan >_<

Yeah I wouldn't have anything to do other wise. There's only a tiny portion of lives I care about.

I just don't get why people pussyfoot around things

Like I say survival of the fittest. Humans have been fighting off all sorts of illness for 1000's of years eggs have to be cracked in the process.

Personally I avoid taking anything like anti biotics etc because I don't want to rely on them.

All these people that start drinking those good bacteria drinks all the time are probably gonna f**k themselves or unborn children up its just another thing to get addicted to or have to rely on.

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I call it peduran, because it sounds like it smells :shifty:

hehe lol

I agree with whats been said about the SARS and stuff. That was made out to be a "whole new way of living" for people in UK in an attempt to avoid it but did anyone even see a glimpse of it?

I didn't

Personally I couldn't care less. If I die then...meh...ill bit a bit miffed but i wont hold a grudge

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