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Has Trials Started Taking Over You Life


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I do that riding trials sometimes; when we go for a ride, its not to ride as big as poss and scare the shit out of ourselves, its cos we jsut wanna get outside, have fun, and enjoy each others company (not in a gay way).

Isn't that the point of every ride? (what it is for me) as well as pushing myself. Trials is prety much the only thing i have realy, i don't have alot of mates (locally, my schools mainly chavs hah) and my best mate rides so it's all I (we, or w.e lol) do.

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This topic is pathetic.

People who say Trials is their life, for f**k sake, take a step back and look at your life. If you'd rather have a bike then a girl, you've got issues.

Agreed. But what about sad tossers like me who cant get a bit of fluff to tickle? Have we still got issues? I think not.

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fluff is great for tickling the first few times, so you move onto greater adventures, sure enough you get bored of them too and move to conquer another girl. Trials is a progressive sport at which you get better and better, sure you get better at shagging I just wish the girls would get better and better at giving blowies :P

shag and ride boys! shag an ride :shifty:

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Right, I really don't understand how anyone can compare a relationship to a hobby. What do you lot do at night?...Meh, oh well, do what you will. You'll regret it years down the line...

Yet again agreed. Trials should be used when the girl isnt around or what ever, it shouldn't stop seeing one or wanting to see one.

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fluff is great for tickling the first few times, so you move onto greater adventures, sure enough you get bored of them too and move to conquer another girl. Trials is a progressive sport at which you get better and better, sure you get better at shagging I just wish the girls would get better and better at giving blowies :P

shag and ride boys! shag an ride :shifty:

Hahahahaha that made me chuckle :P:D:lol:

but seriously get your priorities sorted lads


Edited by MadBoy
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