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has he added you  

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  1. 1. has spindle added you on msn asking if you are selling anything?

    • yes
    • no

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Might aswell change it seeing as the mods took our posts away.

I have nothing against spindl3 he's a good guy, you just got to get to know him not go based on what people say. He might ask you to buy something or sell something but then again loads of people ask me over and over do I want this, do I want that. And I don't start a big topic about it. If I did I could probably crash the forum that so many people ask me over and over just cause im relatively new to trials.

Come on guys give him a break.


Edited by human_furball
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  human_furball said:

Might aswell change it seeing as the mods took our posts away.

I have nothing against spindl3 he's a good guy, you just got to get to know him not go based on what people say. He might ask you to buy something or sell something but then again loads of people ask me over and over do I want this, do I want that. And I don't start a big topic about it. If I did I could probably crash the forum that so many people ask me over and over just cause im relatively new to trials.

Come on guys give him a break.


You actually don't have a clue do you? Really, you don't.

This isn't an every day occurance. Far from it. What he does is completly strange, the sort of strange where i think he actually has something wrong with him and he needs to see someone. You don't go around asking 50/60 people if they want to sell something.

As for getting asked over and over again, i bet the people who ask you havn't asked another 50 odd people the same question? :rolleyes:

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He keeps asking me to sell my python, soooo f**king annoying. When ever he comes on MSN it's: What bike do you ride? He offered me £300 for my python which is worth like over £1000 and i showed him a pic of it to make him even more jealous. Hes a big annoying GIMP, whois now blocked :) Glad thats out of my system.


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Yeah he added me a while back and I blocked him recently. He'd just seen one of my videos and said:

I want your frame

Me - Go buy one then (gave him Clive Leesons number)

I want yours

Me - Its not for sale

Go on.

Me - sorry, no

I'll give you a good price, etc, etc, etc

The thing is he's not actually doing anything seriously wrong, just very annoying. People like Adam Vince who used to seriously f**k people over on section7 were actual criminals, but this guy doesn't seem to be like that. Admittedly I did want to take his skin after he asked me for the nth time if my D15C was for sale, but if he does add you, give him the benefit of five minutes of your time, and then block him.

But yeah if the first thing he says to you is, "gt nething 4 sl? lol" then just block the punk straight off.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Only one logical answer to this....He's a gypsie.

When I used to ride mototrials I'd constantly get some b*****d gypo kids run up to me in a field, with their knitted jumpers and greasy hair and ask if I was selling my bike in there bloody Irish voices...scum.

Edited by anzo
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MOD rider says:

y say on forum im a wasnka etc???

MOD rider says:

well speak up

BorEd says:

because...urmmm...you are?

MOD rider says:

u dnt even no me u fanny!!!!

BorEd says:

I'm a fanny? You dont even know me!?!

BorEd says:


MOD rider says:

were u live?

BorEd says:

I didnt call you a 'wanka' either, I called you a tosser

MOD rider says:

u sed im a fanny so i guess u r too

BorEd says:

I live in a house, a very big house in the country

MOD rider says:


MOD rider says:


BorEd says:


BorEd says:

lol, like I'm going to give you that, then I'd be as thick as you

BorEd says:


MOD rider says:

y not give me it

MOD rider says:


MOD rider says:

u scared

BorEd says:


...This country...*shakes head*

Edited by anzo
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