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Some Model's I Made In Maya

Mr Monty

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maya 7.

yea i might make i so you can ride the dog or some thing like that would be funny. :D

ps the dog's not finished yet it need some hair so i will post up when finished.

Edited by Mr Monty
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Space bar to hop and directions to hop in those direcctions and forward and space is a pedal hop but to front hop tap the up arrow like three times i think that would be a good idear for the controls side of it.


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Really nice work you've got here! Maya 7 (never heard about it) is it a 3D program? Where to buy or download? Will try it out! (Y)

If you've never heard of Maya, i would suggest trying Bryce first. Its a lot more simpler and a lot easier to learn basic techniques and methods to 3D modelling.

Impressive, obviously could be better but not bad at all.

You making the models in lightwave or you making them in maya and saving each group as a model?

Never gone past Bryce 5 mind, so i might be chatting shit.

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All in maya i could make then allot better but then they wouldn't be able to go in the game. so i have to keep it simple ish i can't use bruce 5 cuz i use mac and i think maya is the best for it any way, i all ready have the controls sorted.

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Bryce won't do you any good - it hasn't got the low level tools you need for realtime stuff, stick to maya.

I was supposed to be helping you out with glueing the dog together wasnt I ?

I'll drag maya out at home over the weekend if I get time and try to remember how the bugger works if i get the time.

- for those that want to learn Maya (and haven't already stolen the full version) - google for Maya PLE and prepare yourself for several years of torment. There's a lot of web tutorials out there but you definitely need to go buy a decent book to get the most from it.

I'd suggest trying something a bit simpler out first - purely because the learning curve on Maya is very steep indeed and it can get very frustrating (I've got 9 or 10 years of 3dsmax usage under my belt and it still confuses the hell out of me sometimes)

good free 3D packages ....

Wings3d is nice to model in - it's a little quirky and I don't think it does animation yet but i quite like it.

Milkshape is quite good and fairly fully featured - I never got on with it personally but plenty of people do.

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Bryce won't do you any good - it hasn't got the low level tools you need for realtime stuff, stick to maya.

I was supposed to be helping you out with glueing the dog together wasnt I ?

I'll drag maya out at home over the weekend if I get time and try to remember how the bugger works if i get the time.

- for those that want to learn Maya (and haven't already stolen the full version) - google for Maya PLE and prepare yourself for several years of torment. There's a lot of web tutorials out there but you definitely need to go buy a decent book to get the most from it.

I'd suggest trying something a bit simpler out first - purely because the learning curve on Maya is very steep indeed and it can get very frustrating (I've got 9 or 10 years of 3dsmax usage under my belt and it still confuses the hell out of me sometimes)

good free 3D packages ....

Wings3d is nice to model in - it's a little quirky and I don't think it does animation yet but i quite like it.

Milkshape is quite good and fairly fully featured - I never got on with it personally but plenty of people do.

Thanks dude! i have got unity working again i missed it so much but it is back!

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