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Wall Rides!

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Ok this may seem obvious but as far as i can tell you just seem to bunnyhop into the wall but i mean (vertical wall) all i do is just hit the wall and fall into a heap on the floor, it just wont work. how do you stay on the wall. also do i touch down with both wheels on the wall or back wheel first

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Try and do it with both wheels. Ride at the wall at like a 45° angle or so at a decent speed, then just hop up, but really turn the bike over sideways. You don't have to fully table it or anything, but you do have to put it at an angle. If you're going into it so you're tilting the bike over left, really lift your right elbow up in the air (and vice versa, obviously). It helps just tweak the bike over a little more so your tyres have more chance of gripping rather than sliding down.

I'd also recommend a long sleeve T-shirt or jumper while you're trying to learn them :P

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