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Im Hoping! Freewheel.....


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108 click Freewheel from "Try-All"

Giacomo Coustellier had one on his bike it sounded sweet and was buzzing like a bee all the bloody time, its expected to be "Around" £65/75 price TBC!!!!!

but i think this could take over the ENO and possibly the Tensile freewheel.

its got a similar system to the tensile freewheel BUT has 108 clicks :S :S :S

its designed purely for "Front" freewheel use therfore will not come loose or something like that.


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he had it on in Marseille when i went the other week with ben savage, but i didnt know 100% what it was so didnt really want to say anything, the stuff that Giacomo was doing on it makes it look STRONG as hell, static sidehops and huge gaps and taps etc, the power that lad has got is amazing!!!! its run on open bearings (Y) NOT sealed like ENO (i was told)


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QUOTE(deanie-b @ Apr 3 2006, 04:25 PM)

Sealed is where it's at :)

Yeah, becuase it'll be a bitch when you need to replace the innards.

Can't really beat the tensile becuase it's going to be so much cheaper. And really if it has less than 3 pawles engaged at one time, i wouldn't touch it.

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Sealed is where it's at

you cant have everything in life :(

Freewheels ARE progressing, if only people would put some sealed bearings in them

it would be kool to see sealed bearing but it may then add to the price problem. but it all depends on whats inside t, it will probably have a million pawls and springs (Y)

who knows but 108 pick up. chris king???? (N):P

time will tell though eh. i would probably get one on my new Belaey when it arrives, have a try @ front freewheel. JUST to see if it is as good as it is on paper.


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the bike pimp will buy them, like the people who HAVE to have the most of everything, the most pickup can mean everything to lil tommy or lil charly. its nice to see the freewheel market progressing, it will be good to see who can design one like a "Silent clutch" BUT that doesnt have the spongyness of a silent clutch.

time will tell (Y):) im sure fred savage will post up with details of all the new stuff from koxx days when he gets back. il "hype" it all up and someone can fill in the prices :P


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On the mention of freewheels when is the tensile out, and how will it compare to the profile, and can you open it like an eno (i dont know to much about freewheels, just how they work, not how all the number add up).

Also me and my mate were talking about biking (as you do in double english) and were wondering if you would be able to have the pawls on the outer ring of the freewheel(where there are normally slots for the pawls to engage in), have b*****d loads of them (because of the space) and have them engage with the part of the freewheel where the pawls normally are. (sorry for the terminology lol, i think it made sence)

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If you think though, seeing as it's open bearing, the shell won't take much to manufacture, the pawls and springs won't take much to manufacture, and it wouldn't take much to put together in general. If you look at the Eno, the reason it costs so much is that they're all machined out of top quality metal, incredibly well, have sealed bearings, and the main bodies are pretty much a work of art. Therefore, you'd sorta hope it'd be cheaper, really...

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wondering if you would be able to have the pawls on the outer ring of the freewheel

They do have the teeth on the outer ring , the pawls and springy bits sit in the middle.

ok, blind conjecture time...

I figure they're most likely to increase the engagement by adding offset pawls rather than trying to fit extra tooth thingies in. If you only relied on 2 pawls engaging at once you could do it easy - You could probably convert an eno to 108ep if you indulged in a bit of jiggery pokery with a grinder.


Ah yes, if you read the thread properly you can see that hobnobs already figured that out

Edited by poopipe
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Pawls, y'say?

On the outside, y'say?

IPB Image

No, not a freewheel, but you get the point.

The Tensile is open-able, but I'm pretty sure 9 times out of 10, I'd rather buy a new freewheel rather than open an open bearing freewheel. The Tensile should be more stable than ACSs, so it'd probably be easier to work on, but still, it's gonna be a load harder than servicing an Eno. I'd compare it to solving a Rubiks cube blindfolded to stroking a cat.

EDIT: The whole "Pawls on the outside" thing sorta seems sketchy to me, almost... like when they're on the middle, and they spring out, they spring out at an angle and point straight into the ratchet naturally, whereas with that hub it almost looks like it's sorta being bent backwards more than going naturally? Hard to explain, but meh.

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