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How Prone Is The Acs Claw Welded Version To Skipping?

N Roach

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Well, the ACS is really classed as a budget freewheel. However for the price it could be alot worse. It will skip every now and again, even if it is welded.

If you want a near skippless setup, your going to have to spend alot more money.


Oh, and i've just realised that the 'article' says that and un welded freewheel will lead to skipping. The welded one will prevent skipping. (Y)

Edited by JT!
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The welded one and the unwelded one are both the same internally so they would presumably skip the same.

The problem being that if your welded one does end up skipping on a regular basis, you can't take it apart and potentially fix it as you would with the un-welded one.

From my experiance, ACS Claws don't skip in a catastrophic manner, mine has only ever skipped by one engagement, if you get what I mean..... It's skipped, but then has engaged in the next point...

I'm sure that dirt and such inside wouldn't help it at all, and as such im running mine pratically dry with just a little bit of chain lube in there....

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a good mate of mine when he was riding mod went for a 5ft gap and the acs skipped 4 times in one kick, it was unreal he just flipped over the bars and somehow managed to not kill his face.

Yep seen my mate Krisboats do it on a 7ft gap on a DMR revolver hub, he flew flying in the air and about killed himself.

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If your ACS begins to skip dont try taking it to bits. Normally the ratchets inside wear down abit as there made of a soft cheap metal and its quite hard to tell of any wear at all, so you can barely notice if there is anything wrong or noticable.

Because there not designed for "Trials" they do tend to last on average 4-5 months.

Edited by James_R
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The best way to check if everything is ok with the freewheel is by listening to the clicks. When you slowly rotate the crank you should hear two simultaneous clicks and not two separate clicks per engagement. This issue is due to the pawls wearing out and the race slightly changing shape, thus resulting in play. If the freewheel clicks unevenly, this is the first signal to pull it apart.

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the welded and unwelded versions are exactly the same freewheel the reason behind the weld is it stops the lock ring from coming undone which is what most poeple have problems with. it will just peform the same as the unwelded acs which dont tend to skip to much unless ur a hard rider. but once they start skipping alot just replace it as like someone sed it worn inside.

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If your buyying a freewheel soon maybe you should wait (i don't think it's out yet) for the new tensile one for £30 (think it's tensile) should last a bit longer, more engagements etc to (Y)

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Yep seen my mate Krisboats do it on a 7ft gap on a DMR revolver hub, he flew flying in the air and about killed himself.

That was funny, although it did f**k my wrist up for about 9 months. I destroyed all but one pawl in the hub that only clicked 4 times in every wheel rotation. I managed to ride myself home on that as well (about 7 miles).

From seeing friends bikes the ACS was a lot better on the back of a stock bike than the front, though it did skip for both users it skipped more on the front.... I don't know if this is the same with mod bikes though.

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If your buyying a freewheel soon maybe you should wait (i don't think it's out yet) for the new tensile one for £30 (think it's tensile) should last a bit longer, more engagements etc to (Y)

Yea it is Tensile. There ment to be good. when they finally come out.

From Lee :P

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