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Riding Mod For A Week?!


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As you a few of you might know i cracked my frame the other day and at the mo its going to be rewelded so i ain't gonna have my bike for a week! So yesterday me and my mate built up his T-Master its got descent parts too like eno freewheel echo bars n stem sealed onza hub on a ronnie rim at the back so it pretty tidy.

I thought i wouldn't be able to ride it as i ridden one before properly. but hell i'm amazing on it i can gap further lunge up higher stuff and drop much smoother! :S

And i think they're pretty fun things to ride really thats why im going for a big ride today :lol:

Could this be a sign? :D

Edited by montyrider
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Yeah they are surprisingly nice frames they are realy flickable and easy to ride not many people go for them because of the looks of the frame and the colour schem but i think that they are fun to ride because of the fickablity ( is that even a real word? :huh: ) of the bike it seams to make things smaller.

If you like the frame why not stick with it?


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Let the boy decide it by himself, not take others choice.. Everyone has their own meanings, and myself I mean that Stock is the best choice!

Hey... after all, why not swap bikes for some sessions... at least to double check your preference :closedeyes:

John, next time we ride out, I take your mod, you take my stock... :lol:

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ha ha ha, straight after i posted this topic i went for a ride and was doing pretty well nailed a few craig lee style front to backs on a wall :lol: i would like to change to something like a benito ross oh yeah my mate has the first benito ross made its got 001 stamped on the head tube (lucky bstard)!

I look quite funny on the t-master though as i'm 6ft 3 n quite a big lad. i'm gonna keep riding mod for the week though and see if i change to the other side :D

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(In a darth vaider stylee voice)Come to the mod side you know you want to.

If you feel fine with the mod why not swap with your mate or buy it maby. It doesn't matter what you look like riding it, it's how you feel and how you ride with it no-one can tell you if you will ride better with it ( although thats what i'm doing now) all we can do is give you advice :). I have riden both mod and stock for some period and i feel a lot better on a mod it is less weight to throw about and that for me is a lot better and i seem to ride a lot better on a mod. But when i was riding stock i did improve a lot but then got bored as i do and wanted to go back to mod and i will not be going back to stock thats for sure.


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ummm i dunno i'll just have to give this week a try-out. Today we went and rode this new area we've got for ourselves its all built from pallets which we borrowed :-:lol: and i feel really comfy riding around on the pallets i just found a few of the gaps hard but i kept getting closer, so far i reckon i'm still undecided but i'll let you know what im gonna do later on i fear the dark side is drawing nearer though :lol:

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dear oh dear i think i might be going to change over too mod but i might keep my monty for a while as i do love it, i was just wondering what bike would mod riders advise to me get i dont want something stupidly long like a CLS my mates got one and i really dont like it no offense to people who ride them they do look the tits (Y) , i would like something similar to the benito ros but cant really afford that much as am only a school kid so dont have a proper job.

cheers guys

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Mod for the win ;) .

Im building up a T-master at the moment all it needs is a rear hose and its done :rolleyes: .

It's not as flicky as my T-lite though, but it does ride really nicely. It fly's up walls.


that t-master looks pretty tidy mate the one im borrowing at the mo is covered (no joke) in tartybike stickers everywhere i reckon theirs 20-25 on their dunno why my friend must of got bored :lol: But yeah they're strangley easy to ride i think!

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just before i broke my monty i was thinking of getting a new frame or bike like the 24" onza....but i dont wanna get one until more companies follow in their footsteps and bring out some really nice ones.

Yeah i can imagine that the t-master could snap easily as i have been trying hooks today on it (very funny to watch supposedly) and i felt i would snap it :( I really would like a benito ros or a monty (Y)

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hey you guys, I'm not asking for anyone to sell me something but i was just wondering is it possible to buy a frame kit for a mod but it also includes a descent set of wheels? I'm lookin for a monty but i don't which one yet, kinda stuck on that one or can anyone tell me a site which sells 2nd hand ones as ebay is looking pretty bare at the mo!

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Hey yah the week is finally over....got my bike back today nicely re-welded :D . And their ain't a chance i'm sticking to mod :lol: i love my monty :wub: cant believe i thought about changing i'm so glad to have it back. i went back and rid those pallets after i found my crack their and was nailing everything i tried but i can see why people ride mod as they're so nippy and easy to move around a smaller stuff but i find stock a lot easier for bigger sized obstacles i think i might invest a new frame soon though like a monty 231ti (i wish) :lol:

PS cant believe i posted that post above :P

Edited by montyrider
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Hey... after all, why not swap bikes for some sessions... at least to double check your preference :closedeyes:

John, next time we ride out, I take your mod, you take my stock... :lol:

are you absolutely sure about that?

I trust you with my bike but I'm not sure I'd trust me with it - if you get me..

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