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Alrite guys.

I was just wondering if anyone has rode on portland in the quarries or at the bill, if you have can you post up some pics.

If you havnt rod here its worth a visit you can ride everywhere its insane.

cheers nick

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I ride there as much as possible(Which at the moment isn't alot). I usually head straight to the Bill , I'm looking at buying a house on the island.

When your down there on a Sunday look out for a silver van with TritonCycles.co.uk on the side!

Thats me!

Edited by Lukeee
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Well theres a couple of places like that, on is the easton stone firms quarrie, bit dodgy if you get caught.

There is other abandoned quarries like, at the back of the stone firms one there are loads of flat rocks dumped around so it makes perfect sections,

great fun but mostly its just uncut rock which is better, not really hard to find ever. :)

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hey guys,

i live on portland (i think i might have seen you around on your Purple BT??).....but i can honestly say Portland is THE BEST place to ride EVER!

Whenever we go on road trips we're always like.."oh, wish we stayed on Portland"

Seriously you could hold a 50+ section Trials Venue on the whole island (6x4 miles) and not have to ride more than 5 mins between each section!!

The cut rocks rule, it's like a hybrid of natural and street. And the abandoned quarries are a gold mine of perfect lines!

I'm gonna show you guys something quite embarrasing now.......This is a website i made YEARS ago when i was only a nipper (15/16). It has some info on Portland etc, with some TERRIBLE riding pics! HAHA!


Have fun laughing....(but seriously, there should be a mass ride here! soon!)

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I want to ride Portland! Luke, I'll have to drive down sometime when you've got a bike sorted out... Plus, can you phone me about the 'site'? ;)

I have a bike now , Still not riding it much though :-(

I'll give you a buzz over the weekend.

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i'm portland ride i've just got my new adamant frame. portland is the best place for all riders it got good street and good natural its good for beginners and good for pros and if u are coming down for a couple of days and need some where to stay u should stay at glen caravan park it where i live and i hope to see more trials riders on portland well worth the trip just look out for trials bike there is alot of us i ride with mr bt (nick)we will show you all the top riding place.

Here is a links to more pictures: http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/?op=list&cat...y=193&city=1695

you can have a look at my adamant to

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