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Its Happened Again...

Sam Nichols

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Mr Karsonlevoret - thats about the most reasoned argument I've ever seen on a web forum, well done sir

I think its the 'shoot all queers' comments that bother me the most on here, and especially the AIDS comments. Fair enough, you don't like the thought of two men kissing (but I bet two girls kissing gets you off) so consequently, in your mind they should die - do you really mean that? I can't stand people smoking (which to be fair has more of an effect on me than two men kissing) so should they die of Cancer?

What other circumstances do you apply this logic to? Mixed marriages? Transgender? Short ginger people?

Rich, I don't know you or want to know you for that matter but your comments are offensive, whether they are made to a gay audience or not. Although I'm sure varied opinions are welcome, yours is ignorant badly informed tripe and could certainly be classed as discrimination. I for one would ban you for life. You're a cock.

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All this could have been avoided if Sam changed his password or whatever, would have saved loads of time. On the other hand maybe he did it himself. Just as a joke perhaps, or maybe he was just testing the water.

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Well to be honest I dont mind the majority of gay people its just the overly gay ones.

That sounds really shit but I mean the gays that try to impose themselves everywhere, they remind me of little britain.

They like the attention of being gay or bisexual and thats it, I know alot of bi's and the majority of them are attention seekers and annoying.

Then I know alot of straight guys that act equally as camp as any gay/bi I know.

This is an issue that no ones ever going to agree, people are going to think what they do and think that others are stupid for thinking different, others are more reasonable.

Hey sam, actually turn gay please, would be funny to see if Mark would block you or not.

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This is a little off topic but.....

Do you think lesbians should be allowed Dildo's? I mean they made their choice.

And a bit more on topic.......

Gay - Straight - Bi, this is a trials forum the only thing anyone should be ridding is their bikes.


It's their life, Hell, you can have a dildo if you want...

To be honest, I don't really think anyones worried :S

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This is a little off topic but.....

Do you think lesbians should be allowed Dildo's? I mean they made their choice.

And a bit more on topic.......

Gay - Straight - Bicycle


I know what you mean lol, lesbians chose to not be associated with men so why should they still be able to recieve a penising...

But yeah as above, if they wanna shove things in there then let em lol

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