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Its Happened Again...

Sam Nichols

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I agree. Hate what you want, do what you want. I'm a neutral person about pretty much anything (I'm a BLAST at parties) but its just how Scott said it that was a little 'disturbing'.

All gays should be shot? For f**k sake mate, it sounds like he lives in the Middle East. We live in an age we're you have no choice but to accept change. I don't particularly 'like' gays, but I don't hate them either...I live with it...I saw two guys kissing in Derby the other night, I shuddered at the thought of it (as in myself in that situation) but it doesn't make me violent or make me think that they should be shot.

Fighting against something is pointless these days, anti-black/gay whatever groups do not work, it is pointless because not everyone shares that opinion, so in every situation possible, there is someone for and someone against.

I do agree that people go over the top with their views and try to ram it down my throat. My mate refuses to drink Carling becuase it belongs to the Cools family who give funding for anti black/gay groups...I couldn't give a toss, its a drink. He always mentions it everytime I buy a pint.

I think the bigger problem here is that no one dares say their true opinion anymore.

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Hate Gays, Hate all they stand for... All should be shot... Sorry my appinion.


So long as you don't start enforcing that opinion, then fair enough.

i hate queers who make it there life mission to make sure everyone within 3 miles knows they are gay.

the ones that are melodramatically camp and say things like "ooo i'm such a bitch aren't i darling?"


I pretty much agree with you on this one, I really don't like camp people or people who dress in drag or whatever; they would say its because they're not afraid of who they are but infact they actually contradict themselvees by changing so much.

The bit about aids though.... (N)

You are equally at risk of catching aids from regular unprotected sex (as in with a woman and not anal) as with anal sex of any sexual orientation.

People being this narrowminded are the kind that could do with being shot.


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I think the bigger problem here is that no one dares say their true opinion anymore.


i get slated the whole time for being 'racist' when in truth im not at all....

last night, im a club called 'time and envy' we were in time, which is the prodominantly white side, and a black mate of mine suggested we go into envy, which is mainly full of black people.....

i said 'no chance, its full of scary black doods, and they will kill me' and everyone started having a go saying in racist :D im not at all.... its a fact, envy is full of black doods, and in their groups they scare me shitless to be honest! (and they all have guns ;))

he was cool with it, and asked if he scared me too, to which i replied 'no e-man, your a friendly nigger-i like you'

people pussy foot around minority groups so much......

thers a gay guy on my floor, and everyones so cautious about mentioning it..... WHY?????????

he pushed in front of me in the dinner que last week, so i threatened to bum him senseless if he did it again, and blew him a kiss :D

and everyone starts having a go again, saying i cant say that because hes gay and might be offended, to which i replied

'i think ged already knows hes gay-afterall, there was a chap in his room last night!'

why is it that so often the people its directed at can be ok with something, but its other peoples narrowmindedness that makes you come across in a bad light....

i personally couldnt give a shit, and ill continue to say what i want, if people percieve it as racist or homophobic, then thats there problem, but i dont believe in dressing things up and pretending they dont exist. if someones queer, why try to hide it?

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i get slated the whole time for being 'racist' when in truth im not at all....

Tell me about it, I mean, at weekend me and a few mates go out in these white robes, with big pointy white hats on and ride about on horses, I get so much shit from it 'you racist scum, go back to Alabama, blah blah blah', I mean, I can't see what all the fuss is about honestly.

I'm not racist, I've got a colour TV.

Edited by anzo
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According to research, it's the individuals that have an aversion to homosexuality that are the ones who are most likely to have homosexual interest. My guess is it's a manifestation of self loathing/fear and an attempt to hide what they don't want others to see.

The research was done by asking indivduals what their opinion was towards homosexuality. Some said they had a problem with it, some said they didn't. All of these people were then made to watch gay porn whilst their sexual arousol was measured. By - if I remember correctly - not a small but a large amount, more of the individuals with the problem towards homosexuality became aroused. Perhaps all you individuals with issues towards homosexuality should take some time to think about how you truely feel towards being gay. You might find a different reality.

In other research, it was found that for most people, sexuality exists, not in absolutes but across a spectrum. With people having sexual interests towards both the opposite sex and their own, but with differing degrees of interest. So it may be that most people actually have a sexual interest in the same sex even if only a small interest. In the society we live in I can easily see how people wouldn't recognise this however. Especially with the prejudices that exist. Very interesting stuff though.

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I'm not racist, I've got a colour TV.

ha ha ah ha ha a

that is quite possibly the 4th funniest thing i have ever read, funny enough to be quoted at least

ok, well seens as everyone is coming out, i may as well..

i am homophobic, not to the extent that i go gay bashing, but i don't like seeing it, hearing about it or any other thing, which is abit of a gay as recently found out that my uncle is gay :S and even my nan has commented on how my family relationship has changed since i found out..

loads of people say that they don't mind gays, but how many people don't take the piss, everyone does it, another thing tha gets right on my tits is, racisium, f**king annoys me.. black people call each other "niggers" but as soon as a white person say something remotely racist then you'll get arse raped..

the goverment are pussys, i mean, can't sing "BAH BAH BLACK SHEEP" any more, its got to be "BAH BAH RAINBOW SHEEP", what the f**k is that all about, bunch of faggots..

everyone i know takes the piss and jokes about, with the whole multi culture shit, but look how many racist jokes there are, millions, and i laugh my arse of at them, so you can call me homophobic, racist what ever you want, i won't go beating people up about it, but i will have person jokes about it with my mates, and not feel guilty

there, i've said it, LOUD BUT NOT PROUD

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This, aside from the fact you're the friendliest person I've ever met (joint honours with Bigman :P), is why you rule :P


loving you too marky.....

really though, why mess about with queers? theyre just like us at the end of the day....

as charlie said, the only difference is what they pork on a friday night......

and with regards to your comments gaz. im not in the SLIGHTEST bit homophpbic, but i stil rip it out of queers.....

in just the same way they rip it out of me for being fat.....

its not because theyre gay we rip them.... its just because its somethings thats been hyped up out of all proportion into something its not.....

last night ged was being a shit, suggesting i was after this bird we were with, so to shut him up, i grabbed him and tried to kiss him :P

i NEVER would of actually kissed the chap, its just plain nasty, but the look on his face when he thought i was genuinely about to kiss him was priceless!

''whats the matter ged, you not gay enough?''

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Not met Danny Foster then?...

Back in school he used to chase me, pin me down on the grass, sit on my cock and rock back and forth whilst having a screaming orgasm. :ermm:

Edit: Forgot to mention we still had our clothes on...sometimes.

LMAO :lol:

first the nipple freckle... now this! :lol:

hes a f**king legend!

you cant be serious?? :huh:

he seems straight as a _______________________________________line_______)

maybe thats just my opinion though...


this is a weird topic,

i cant stand bell ringers (better known as beders, homos, campanoligists or ... just gay!)

they never stop going onn about how gay they are and how they talk jus pisses me right off!!! (at least... this it my opinion)


bill :mellow:

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I'm alright with the gay's that do it in private and don't try and make a pass at someone they know is straight.

I went to a party last week and I was talking with this gay guy about football, a different song came on and he tried to take off my shirt whilst saying''lets see you're six pack then'' and then tryed to pull me, which quite frankly made me want to kill my self.

I also hate the people who try to empathise with people of other races/religions despite knowing very little about it, I called my muslim friend '' a filthy muslim with no foreskin'' the other day adn then two white christians started having a go at me about it, even though the other guy knew perfectly well it was a joke...


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as prawn stated the other weekend, "the world is not ready for him" I guess what he has writen in here has sumed that up. he obviously doesn't give a fu<k about how people could be offended as long as he get his point across. being it for comical reasons or not.

I totally agree with prawn. fu<k the world. from now on I'm saying what I want when I want, and if someone doesn't like it they can get bent.

I have quite alot of experiance with being around homosexuals with my tutor being gay and my form having to spend over an hour with him almost everyday. He is a total wanker, but not because he takes it up the arse, its just because he is an inconsiderate wanker.

gays are fine aslong as they don't impose it on you.

Also I also share the same birthday as sam

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Two things I don't understand: 1. (Generally) Guys don't mind lesbians, just gays; and girls don't mind either.

2. I don't see why guys get so worked up about pulling guys. Girls have to do it all the time, don't see many of them running to the hills.

There will always be two sides to every story. My whole family is pro hunting, although I find it abhorrent to the point where I've been physically sick. Doesn't make me or them right. What is wrong is people deciding in their minds whats right and wrong and then not backing down, not even in the face of blatant reason.

I like Slipknot, other people hate them. This doesn't make Slipknot good or bad, despite the fact that fans will say "Slipknot kick ass," whilst critics will say, "Thats shit, its not even music, its just shouting." Neither are right - because Slipknot CANNOT be undeniably/incontrovertably recognised as good or bad - but neither are gonna back down in a hurry either.

Anywho, just because I'm bored, I'll try and apply some logic to the situation.

Light travels in straight lines; incontrovertable fact. Nothing can travel faster than light; incontrovertable fact. Blue is the nicest colour in the spectrum of light; opinion of an individual or group.

Now try it with sex...

Humans have sex to create more humans; incontrovertable fact. Recreational sex is a popular activity for humans; incontrovertable fact. There is no point in gays having sex as they cannot procreate alone (read: without a woman); opinion of an individual or group.

Many people would apply the logic of the third point about gays and procreation when putting forward their argument against gays, yet would (almost certainly) crumble under the undeniable logic of the second point about recreational sex when someone says to them, "So you never f**k for fun?"

A few questions just to see how people react. No ones being judged here and it'd be cool if people could answer truthfully. I'm just interested.

For all those people who don't like gays, can anyone actually justify why? And before anyone says it, I've already stated my opinion on people who feel the need to tell the world and its dog that they are gay, I'm just talking about GAY people.

An interesting point that no-one seems to have picked up on about the whole, "Gay people who are overtly gay" thing: isn't what they do almost a mirror/negative image of what strait people do all the time?

Someone said something about a guy coming up to them in a club and feeling them up. What is so different about a girl doing it?

Ask a royal marine, father of two with a lip slug moustache if hes gay or straight and he'll get all in your face about how straight he is and probably give you an earful about how horrific gays are. Ask a gay and he/she will probably give you some coy subtle answer or just shrug and tell you the truth. Which on is more over the top about advertising their sexuality?

And a quote from trainspotting to really get people thinking about the grandkids: In a thousand years, there will be no men and women, just wankers, and that's fine by me.


Edited by karsonlevoret
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gays are fine aslong as they don't impose it on you.

You aren't the only person to say this, so apologies for quoting just you.

What I don't really understand is why so many people have this attitude - "I don't mind gays except ones who want to bum me". You presume a) That you are the finest piece of ass in town and every gay man fancies you, and B) gay people will pork you with no prior warning, possibly in the club you're in. Fair enough you don't like the thought of anal sex, but this scenario is totally stupid. In the same way that women are scared of rape, that doesn't mean they hate all guys because they have a penis.

It's quite a common argument and it makes no sense. That is all.

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You've goto be joking?

Nope hate all gay people! carnt even watch them on TV!!

i hate queers who make it there life mission to make sure everyone within 3 miles knows they are gay.

the ones that are melodramatically camp and say things like "ooo i'm such a bitch aren't i darling?"


I second that to be honest.


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Nope hate all gay people! carnt even watch them on TV!!

So do you hate gay people that would apear stright? Not camp etc.

Edited by JT!
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So do you hate gay people that would apear stright? Not camp etc.

more to the point, if you met a guy, who seemed really sound, liked the same kind of stuff as you, and became friends with him,and had no idea he was gay, would you then discontinue the friendship if you found out he was gay?

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That you are the finest piece of ass in town and every gay man fancies you

A bit different from saying 'every gay' but there was this lad in school, he used to fancy me and my mate. We heard about it because he kept saying to some girl 'ohhh, hes got a nice ass hasn't he'. We got hold of him and 'put him right'...a good old bit of threatening works a treat and he shut up after that.

We used to pick on him a bit for being gay, but he got what was coming to him for going around and putting it onto other people when there just wasn't any need. He was also one of those 'I'm gay, everyone should know about it' wankers, the kind that goes on shopping trips with his girl friends...twat.

See, if he didn't go around saying I had a nice ass (I do, but its besides the point) then I wouldn't have been bothered.

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See, if he didn't go around saying I had a nice ass (I do, but its besides the point) then I wouldn't have been bothered.

Would you be bothered if the girls at your school went around saying you had a nice ass?

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