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Its Happened Again...

Sam Nichols

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:) i totally respect you for telling people sam, and you are a great guy, you deserve to be happy.... and you are the best cos you let me moan at you about stuff :$

Might want to read the last 2 or so pages... :P

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Ha, joe beat me to it.

I was about to tell you all to read joes post properly... so errr I guess you're all OWNED

Whoever it was who originally asked about it meant that in the original post in this thread, it said "Before I posted up a thread when I was drunk" or whatever, so how would your friend, who typed this thread, have known about Joe starting up another thread some time in the past?

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Erm, this obviously isn't true i don't think you would come out on here. You won't have met most of us and yet you tell us an irrelevant thing? Surely it should be a thing to tell parents etc. Also i am quite against gay people but I would just turn a blind eye and forget about it though.

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Erm, this obviously isn't true i don't think you would come out on here. You won't have met most of us and yet you tell us an irrelevant thing? Surely it should be a thing to tell parents etc. Also i am quite against gay people but I would just turn a blind eye and forget about it though.

Would you like to read the rest of the thread again please?

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Whoever it was who originally asked about it meant that in the original post in this thread, it said "Before I posted up a thread when I was drunk" or whatever, so how would your friend, who typed this thread, have known about Joe starting up another thread some time in the past?

Because the person who made the first post is my friend and he rides so glances through the forum sometimes and I posted the link to him over msn a day or two after.

So there. Stop being a poo poo head. :)

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APPARENTLY 1 in 10 are gay anyway.... so out of 5000 memebrs or so..... :S


People make different lifestyle choices and people who choose to ride trials or do any action sports are not what you imagine when you think of a gay man. If you visited a fashion forum or something I'm sure the numbers would be significantly different. Obviously stereotypes aren't always true and there's probably a good few people who don't conform.

Also, the average age of this forum is probably about 16-17? And a lot of people at that age have yet to come out.

But yeah, I don't think Sam wrote that post. Whether he's gay or not is an entirely different matter, but something I won't really be worrying about :S

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Shit dude, its fine. In this day and age there's so many gays that nobody's really bothered anymore. One of my good friends turned out to be gay and i'm going to his wedding in august, sounds weird i know but still he's my mate and i wouldn't miss it at all.

If this is a lesson time prank though prepare to get abuse!

Second reply, I had doubts within a few minutes! So it was in your lesson and a prank... abuse is called for then! YOU F****NG C**T!! Seriously dude watch where you leave your trials forum!

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i hate queers who make it there life mission to make sure everyone within 3 miles knows they are gay.

the ones that are melodramatically camp and say things like "ooo i'm such a bitch aren't i darling?"


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I couldn't give a toss if someone is gay. As long as they're not eyeing my up or trying to put things in me I'm not bothered.

Each to there own, Scotty, I know its your 'appinion' but if you were gay would you like people to hate you for it? Usually its the ones that hate it so much are the ones who are insecure about themselves.

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What ever happend to the days when you could like or hate whatever you wanted? Why are people so arsed about what other people like and dislike so much? I couldn't give a shit what people want to like or hate.

So and so hates gays such and such hates people thats hates gays what makes such an such better than so and so? Like and hate what ever you want is what I say and if you've got a proplem with it shove it up your arse so to speak.

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