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Its Happened Again...

Sam Nichols

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For those of you who spotted, this wasn't real, I made the mistake of leaving my computer logged on at college so that a mate could watch videos I'd downloaded while i was in a lesson.

I am not gay

To everyone who replied to the topic though, good on you, you're all sound guys, at least I know if I ever did bend the wrong way you'd all be sound about it. Respect due.


To be honest just reading through this thread, I have to say that was a damn cool prank my mate's did!! I actually had tears of laughter! I got owned.

And finally, Joe, you b*****d!! I was sooo confused!! :angry: I hope it comes back to haunt you one day.

xxx I love you all xxx


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not fooling me :Plol Joe grats on last time, that was really funny :lol: :lol:

Ill just wait for his response.... Im expecting a "oh I was drunk again" or similar ;)

in which case its ok... we've all been there .... :$

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......................blah blah blah..................

If you left your computer on at college, how come the guy knew about you posting about being 'gay' months ago when you were 'drunk'.

Haha, i was thinking the other day if there was any gay trials riders, Now im back to square one :(

Ah well

Not met Danny Foster then?...

Back in school he used to chase me, pin me down on the grass, sit on my cock and rock back and forth whilst having a screaming orgasm. :ermm:

Edit: Forgot to mention we still had our clothes on...sometimes.

Edited by anzo
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felt worse about kissing a fat bird than i did about kissing my best mate

Whats the similarity between a fat bird and a moped?

There both great fun to ride but you dont want your mates to find out about them!

APPARENTLY 1 in 10 are gay anyway.... so out of 5000 memebrs or so..... :S

i dont know if i am homophobic... i would say i wasnt but i think it may make me treat them "differently" even if that wasnt intentionally - and knowone can say blahblah your out of order because id share a bed with one of my stright mates but would you share a bed with a gay person?

So id still hang with them just maybe be different arround them unintentionally if that makes sence?

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I was gonna say, it would take serious balls to come out on here.

Still a bit cofused on the whole matter though,was it all made up someone when you were drunk.

When the post " im gay " was posted....that was me, sam was fooked, and he was saying to me he cant sign in....and he gave me his password....and i signed in, and did that post. :P

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so there is no uphill gardeners on this forum woopy.

Lets get on with our lives and stop convincing each otehr that we didnt fall for it.

Who cares?

If your going to cruise the marmite highway, dont invite me, thats all im saying.

im gay, can we marmite?

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