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Its Happened Again...

Sam Nichols

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hey guys, i know i posted a topic like this a while back, and i said i was drunk, but i wasn't... ive done alot of thinking in the past few months about what was said that night/day, and i think i should say a few things.

on saturday night, i kissed my best friends older brother, we were both a bit drunk and i dont think he was as keen for it to happen as i was... :-( i havent seen him since, i think he's avoiding me. i dont know what to do, i cant stop thinking about him! but he doesn't want it to happen again, i know he doesn't...

the second point i would like to make is this, i think i have been homosexual most of my life, looking back at my childhood i can see events that i found confusing, but now make sense, i used to get so up tight when boys made jokes about gay people and pretended to kiss me, i think i was just in love with them all.

when i first started at the grammar school, i boy dave taylor cought my eye, i thought i was jelous of him because he got all the ladies, but i turns out it was him i wanted... not his girlfriends...

i hope all you guys will still accept me as im still the "rider" i always have been, hope you undertand my situation,


xxx love you all xxx

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Shit dude, its fine. In this day and age there's so many gays that nobody's really bothered anymore. One of my good friends turned out to be gay and i'm going to his wedding in august, sounds weird i know but still he's my mate and i wouldn't miss it at all.

If this is a lesson time prank though prepare to get abuse!

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dont worry dude i havent met you but it doesnt mean now i wouldnt want to.

doesnt make you anyless like a rider imo.

anyway heres a story i had an x gf who cheated on me with this guy a year later the guy fancied me and wanted a threesome me my x and him i said no.

but anyway pat on the back for coming out mate (Y) probably one of hardest things to do.

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doesn't bother me to be honest, if your gay then your gay, if your straight then your straight its up to you how you want to live your life :) and anyways should make rides more enjoyable for you because you get to catch an eyefull of all the sweaty boys :P anyways well done on coming out! takes alot of guts to come out to people and admit you are who you are (Y)


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Respect due for having the (massive) balls required to come out in public mate.

that said, you ride stock so you were halfway out already :P

Bit harsh! :ermm: But anyway, I sure that noone will have anything against you being gay mate, to be honest it doesnt bother me at all, Im not in the slightest homophobic (sp?).

From Lee

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Ha sam, you know that topic, that said " Im GAY "

That was me :lol::lol::lol: , you was so drunk, you gave me your username and password, hahhaha.

:$ :lol::lol:

Anyways...my best mate at school...one of the hardest kids in the school, bout 2 months after i moved away...he rung me up and told me he was gay :lol: i couldnt believe my ears.

Gays are coool, me and patt are gay :lol: ( Ben lee, f**k off hes mine you virgin homo :P )

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Am I the only one who doesn't think this is fo' real?

Who puts 'xxx love you all xxx' at the end of a post like that when they are serious?

If it is, apoligies, but the tone is just wrong....

Words right out of my mouth. :rolleyes:

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If its a joke well done mate, you've so far duped nearly 20 people!

If you're not kidding, more so well done, theres a whole lot of complete twats in the world that'll think the worse of you simply for the choices you make in life. I used to fool around a lot with both guys and girls, so much so that I really couldn't put a finger on what my sexuality is. Point being, most people who know me know that and don't care, even (in fact especially) my loving girlfriend and my family.

A good way to look at homosexuality (or in fact any condemned taboo of society) is that the people who matter to you won't care, and the people that care don't matter.



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liike some other dude said, theres always gonna be some arsehole out there thats gonna not be your biggest fan....some people will probly treat you differently. but aslong as your happy, does it really matter what other people think....

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