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Don't Be Blue, Peter


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Made me laugh even though I feel like death.

BBC News

The Auction!

This is all over the news at the minute, keep getting updates on the radio about how much its gettng. Basically its a blue peter badge winner selling their badge that allows them to get into places for free. The popularity of it is massive and the free advertising its getting on the news is stupid, talk about over reacting.

Check out the comments at the bottom too...

"for this unholy act you will surely burn in hell - along with the people who desecrated the blue peter garden in the 1980's."

By the way, I am aware this should be put into 'The Best of the Internet' but I thought people might like to slate/discuss it. :)

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What the frig! Sell sell sell! Cash in and get yourself a new set of hubs or something.

I'm suprised no one has made up hundreds of replicas and selling them off.

I'm strapped for cash myself, I might go and dig one of the old dogs (Mabel) up and sell its carcass.

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You saved a life? :ermm:

no was givin to me from relation its up the loft somewhere, dont think i would sell it as its a gift.

also have a £1 note from 1963 they are meant to be worth a bit aswell (no comments of its worth a pound guys/girls :P)

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Having read a bit about these badges I strongly disagree that something like this should be sold. If I got one of those (not bought one!) I'd never sell it. Unfortunately some people would do absolutely anything to earn some money :angry: even sell a symbol that represents great moral value.

They should engrave the name of the rightful owner on the back of the badges and ID people who are "using them".

edit: refering to the gold badges only

Edited by Inur
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mine is a scottish one though they are meant to be the ones worht money not sure ill have a look for it and find otu some more.

Loving the spelling :P but anyway, I bought my old 1 pound notes at a carboot for 50p each :- sounds kind of silly, but im a huge lover of coins and old notes. But I got them valued at between 2-3pounds...each.

So im sure, if you have alot you could make some decent cash.

From Lee

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but im a huge lover of coins and old notes.


:) Only joking.

I don't see anything wrong with selling that badge, I mean I don't have morals on many things, nothing as small as this. Simply because I'd rather have 100 quid in my back pocket then a bit of plastic.

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It's a badge, which THEY earnt, not you, so it's up to THEM not you what they want to do with it? It's just a badge from a crappy kids TV show, it's not like they're raping nuns or anything, is it?

Ha ha, too true. Mr mark with the reality check for people. I can see why people would get upset but it isn't really something the bbc should be fighting to get rid of is it.

I suppose you could say it would de-value them for the children wanting to get one, but i reckon most kids enjoy getting things in the post, would love to have a mention on the tv and like walking around with badges on... so they're still going to send there crap in to the show anyway despite the fact you can buy them on ebay.

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Down with Blue Peter, thats what I say. I'd much rather, if I REALLY wanted a badge, buy one on ebay. Simply because;

1. I dont have to have my ugly face on TV

2. I dont have to meet presenters that think they're still 14 and think everythings 'wicked' and 'happenin'

3. I hate Blue Peter

4. I hate Blue Peter

5. I dont want to do something gay that I don't give a toss about, eg. saving someones life just to get a plastic badge...

I think the problem that people have is that they are making money from the generosity of the BBC, but these are, assumingly, over 18's bidding on this badge, they want a collectable because they have to be under 16 to use it anywhere.

They just feel too pathetic to send in a drawing to Blue Peter for the sake of a badge...'And heres a drawing of a car, thats by Andy aged 32 years old...well done Andy!'

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Its the 'do gooders' that annoy me the most nowadays. They think they are helping the world by sticking their nose in everything, and everyone else's business.

Infact if they kept their ignorant, uneducated selves out of the way the world would run a lot smoother.

I know that's talking big on a small scale but it still holds true imo.

I wouldn't dare tell a complete stranger what they can, and cannot do, especially not in an offensive way, thats just out of order big time.

Plus, I didn't even think bluepeter was such a well liked show anymore, it is just full of crap nowadays, and the presenters get paid to go go-karting and shit like that.

Anyway, i can imagine the bbc writing up a contract for the badges from now on and getting little 5 year old's who can barely write to sign it on tv, stating an oath not to sell or give away their o'so holy bluepeter badge.

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Anyway, i can imagine the bbc writing up a contract for the badges from now on and getting little 5 year old's who can barely write to sign it on tv, stating an oath not to sell or give away their o'so holy bluepeter badge.

Lmafo. Sell the badge and we'll take your house. Report in to your local BBC Studio and report that you still have your badge like a sex offender, and give it back when your 16.

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What people also don't seem to think about is that there may be Blue Peter afficianados out there who have all the memorabilia and really want to get one of those badges, so if it's going to give them joy, why should someone hold onto a piece of worthless metal they don't want?

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They just feel too pathetic to send in a drawing to Blue Peter for the sake of a badge...'And heres a drawing of a car, thats by Andy aged 32 years old...well done Andy!'

haha i laughed my arse of at that hehe

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I think the BBC wants to do something abotu it becuase they offer free entry to museums and the like. If a kid wins one, its more than just a badge to wear- it lets them do stuff. If every parent can buy one on the internet to save money getting there kid into stuff, places wont let badge holders in which defys the point of them to an extent.

It is hard to call, as there will be badge collectors who wont use them ect.

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