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Maths Help :'(


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This is really confusing me now...

Its all part of RSA encryption if anyone knows that but you dont really need to know.

The values i have are.........

p = 61

q = 53

e = 17

Heres the method...


n = pq

n = 61*53

n= 3233

Ǿ(N) = (p-1)(q-1)

Ǿ(N) = 3120

Then it comes to working out d

d = e^-1 mod Ǿ(N)

d= 17^-1 mod 3120

Now i keep getting a decimal answer im guessing im doing the mod bit wrong. The actual answer for d is 2752 but i get some stupid answer.

Heres further info if you need it....




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E is definately a constant but ive solved it now thanks to a worked example i found on my unis intranet.

The python line to solve it was simply...

d = primes.invmod(phi,e)

phi being (p-1)(q-1)

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  • 4 weeks later...

last week it took me a minute to work out how many spokes i had in my 48 spoke wheel after snapping 13 lol.

Needless to say, i can't help, and have created a useless post. Although it may provide a slight moment of joy while you snigger at my discombobulatinly bad mental arithmatic.

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last week it took me a minute to work out how many spokes i had in my 48 spoke wheel after snapping 13 lol.

lolol, calculator out? I'm awful at maths, multiplications are just out of the question...I literally don't know any of them except my 2s, 5s, 10's, and 11 (but only up to 10 on the 11 tables lol). I use a calculator on everything, just so I know I'm right, lol.

Additions/Subtractions I'm fine with, I was the kid who sat in maths and when the teacher used to do that 'Answer this question and you can go' thing...I was always last out because she used to do something like 'Matt, square root of 116'...*blank look* and then guess something and everyone in the class looks at you like the scum of the earth, and some smart arse willy at the back would shout the answer out...

Days like that made me want to bring a gun to school, but I'm scared that if I did then bob geldof would write another b*****d song about it.

Days like that made me want to bring a gun to school, but I'm scared that if I did then bob geldof would write another b*****d song about it.

A joke 95% of the forum won't get...

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