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What Pads For Onza Hog Rim


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hi there people

My friend has one of the new onza hog rims, and/he i was wondering which pads work best on them. So far he has tried heatsink blues and plazmatic pads which he is running now nut with no grind. So if grinding up the rim doesn't help then which pads will :)

Cheers joe

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The best pads for a smooth rim are Zoo's or plazmatic CRM's. Koxx browns with a harsh grind are the best out right pads in my opinion. Good wet and dry performance.

To tell the truth if you want to ride in the wet your only real option is to get a grind.

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I'm running a hog rim with a dying grind and plazzie pads. In the dry, the brake is mint. In the wet, the brake wasnt so great, although it did just about hold me.

Id recommend the zoo pads for a smooth rim and either the plazzies or koxx browns on a grind

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