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Some People On This Forum Are Idiots.


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No JT, you under estimate the cost of running a server.

Couldn't agree with you more. (Y)

Forum needs money, money comes from advertising, 'free' advertising puts off paied advertising, forum dies. :(

Edited by JT!
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Since Iolo only made one thread to make people aware that his company existed, people reactions seemed a bit harsh. As it is just one thread, and not a banner, it wont keep popping up, it will just not get posted in, and shortly be gone. But people will then know that Iolo bike is there for the future.

Also, as he is going at this alone, and is unsure as to what sales he may/ may not get, investing in a banner may result in him losing money, which is the last thing he wants as a new company.

But as the 'advertising' / lack of advertising rules stand, he has been left in a lose, lose situation. To invest in a banner and potentially lose money, or to post up about his company and get reported and stressed at by forum members.

If he was making money and quite reputable already, then advertising in a thread would obviously be unacceptable, but in my opinion, i think he should have the right to let people know what he is doing, and get support for his hard work. Then in the future, i'm sure his company name will be on a banner (Y)


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Ding ding, hit the nail on the head right there my good man, dont worry the triton boys are probably reporting this as we speak


Are you really that stupid? IOLO makes frames out of T45 , We use Titanium and aluminium. If people want a frame made from T45 they will go to IOLO , We don't use T45! IOLO's Frames cost £260 our custom Ti stuff is £595! Its a slightly different market.

As for your so called "Triton Boys" I'm quite flattered how many people use the stars and in avatars and mention us. There just friends, or people that support what were doing. There not paid, they don't get anything for free. Yet people seem to think its mine and Dims big advertising plan.

I'm pretty gutted that we are getting all the blame for closing this topic. I reported it! Yet its been said "After many reports" the thread had to be closed. I'm not scared of speaking up , It seems alot of people on here have been two faced about the whole thing and won't say "I reported it".

Everyone seems to think Triton is much bigger than it is. TritonBicycleCo. is run by me and Dmitri. We haven't had big meetings with the bank manager. Its all been done from personal money , Which isn't alot. We felt we were offering an extra direction for trials. But so many people have criticised us from day one. We don't pick our frames from a catalogue. Each one is designed by either me or Dim. Triton Cycles have just helped us by having an established outlet to sell our frames through. Its as simple as that.

Look i'm not bothered either way. Blame me all your like but i was just passing on the rules. My topic was closed because TritonBicycleCo. site links to somewhere where you can buy/order our products. IOLO's has the same.

As i said before Good luck to IOLO i'm sure he will do very well.

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lukeee , now i've never met you or anything but as a witness to most things on the forum you have been known to come across as what i would describe as 'an arrogant twat' and some people just use that as a general opinion and have a go.

you do seem to be a bit overprotective when people mention things about triton. this may nto be the best approach but who am i to tell you how to do thing.

also all products have their anally devoted followers. leeson, zoo!, koxx and hope (ahem wayne).

but yeah its a case of seeing your attitudes flow over into everything that is said about the bikes which may lead people to believe you are a right bunch of cnuts.

however i'm sure this isnt the case.

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lukeee , now i've never met you or anything but as a witness to most things on the forum you have been known to come across as what i would describe as 'an arrogant twat' and some people just use that as a general opinion and have a go.

you do seem to be a bit overprotective when people mention things about triton. this may nto be the best approach but who am i to tell you how to do thing.

also all products have their anally devoted followers. leeson, zoo!, koxx and hope (ahem wayne).

but yeah its a case of seeing your attitudes flow over into everything that is said about the bikes which may lead people to believe you are a right bunch of cnuts.

however i'm sure this isnt the case.

Yea but you have to look at it from his point of view. He is, at the end of the day, trying to run a business, and people going on and slagging Luke off is obviosuly going to annoy him.

Think how Adam and Dave would feel if they kept reading people saying something like "Tarty twats" in topics. I think eventually they would get slightly annoyed as well and think to themselves, why bother?

And whoever said, "its the internet, deal with it", think about that for a second. Everything needs rules in order to opperate smoothly. Without rules/laws the whole world would be chaos. You have rules at school/work, and when you dont abide by them, problems arise.

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At the end of the day its night.

At the end of the day your all a bunch of super slags.

What i don't unerstand is how you had to go out of your way to report someone because it happened to you. Its like you were taking revenge or something.

Very childish.

The right way to approach it would have been to approach Iolo and ask him to edit his topic himself and consider his response to this. Its like junior school, "Teacher teacher, dafydd touched my crayon."

Grow up.

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The problem lies with how the forum is funded. Relying on the one revenue stream to keep it afloat means that the forum's senior members like tom and danny need to aggrssively protect this revenue stream. The result is an unhealthy brown nosing of the advertisers. It is unhealthy because danny and tom are at the mercy of the advertisers. As has already been said, koxx advertise in the news section. This would not get action taken against it, as they pay for a banner, even though this is not strictly the rules. Even though they pay for a banner, they are not supposed to advertise in threads. But dan and tom would be stupid to piss koxx off, because they provide a lot of the income.

The forum is large now. I am member number 111 and I remember when it was small. But things have changed over the years, and in my opinion, the admins have done a pretty bad job of realising the potential of the rapidly expanding user base, especially with regards to generating revenue to fund the forums upkeep.

One idea I think would be a more multi-tiered forum. Currently there is new members, the main forums, and then seniors. There are no subscription forums. The for sale/wanted is a very useful tool for getting the best price for your bike bits, I would pay £1 to list my bike in there if I was selling it. It makes sense. The idea of a multi-tiered forum where you pay for certain bits would need a lot of thinking about, but it's not my place, I don't know all the statistics of the forum. It's danny and tom's job. I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't considered something already though.

Another simpler thing is... Where are the paypal donation buttons? If they're there I can't see them!

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Advertising is sustainable though, whereas the odd Paypal donation is not. I'm sure Tom and Danny don't want to get into a situation where the money coming in is not constant. The advertising works well. I'm sure Tom and/or Danny will be along shortly to give the proper reasons. But I don't really see the problem with the way the forum is run. It works, and we get a free forum.

And there's no way I want to pay to make for sale posts. Silly.

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One idea I think would be a more multi-tiered forum. Currently there is new members, the main forums, and then seniors. There are no subscription forums. The for sale/wanted is a very useful tool for getting the best price for your bike bits, I would pay £1 to list my bike in there if I was selling it. It makes sense. The idea of a multi-tiered forum where you pay for certain bits would need a lot of thinking about, but it's not my place, I don't know all the statistics of the forum. It's danny and tom's job. I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't considered something already though.

Another simpler thing is... Where are the paypal donation buttons? If they're there I can't see them!

It's a good idea, but it wouldn't work. For a start people would just use ebay etc. Then the mods and admins would have bother with people trying to advertise their bike for free. And I would have thought the admins wouldn’t really be wanting to charge people to sell there stuff.

Also I think the reason there's no paypal donation buttons is that they're pretty much useless. If someone donates a fiver, the chances of them doing it again are very slim. What TF needs is a consistent income, and the paypal donation buttons wouldn't supply that. There would just be a lot of money straight away, and then after the novelty wears off, there would be £5 a month if they're lucky.

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Anyone noticed the lack of banners ^^^^^^

I think the koxx topics in news should be closed.

To be honest if they do have banners thats where they advertise and thats all they pay for. Why should they get extra privaliges.

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Anyone noticed the lack of banners ^^^^^^

I think the koxx topics in news should be closed.

To be honest if they do have banners thats where they advertise and thats all they pay for. Why should they get extra privaliges.

For the exact reason that someone else has stated. If someone, namley Koxx, is paying towards the forum and the money is needed to keep the forum going you dont do something to pi55 them off and pose the risk of them taking their advertising elsewhere.

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For the exact reason that someone else has stated. If someone, namley Koxx, is paying towards the forum and the money is needed to keep the forum going you dont do something to pi55 them off and pose the risk of them taking their advertising elsewhere.

At the end of the day, their only paying for one bit of space.

Its a ruthless world.

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At the end of the day its night.

At the end of the day your all a bunch of super slags.

What i don't unerstand is how you had to go out of your way to report someone because it happened to you. Its like you were taking revenge or something.

Very childish.

The right way to approach it would have been to approach Iolo and ask him to edit his topic himself and consider his response to this. Its like junior school, "Teacher teacher, dafydd touched my crayon."

Grow up.

Out of my way to report someone? I clicked a button , If it wasn't that easy i doubt i would of bothered.

I think its funny how i've had the full blame for this thread being closed , WHEN DUE TO MANY REPORTS THE THREAD WAS CLOSED! If you can't see that , Then you , need to 'Grow up'.

I've had enough of this topic.

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Dont start at the forum! i mean i think most of us would be happy to donate some money but thats not at all reliable. they use banners and in the end thats that isnt it. it means the forum gets good money and allows us to be able to post all of the time.

the system works and you have to thank people who run the forum sometimes it may feel like its more effort than its worth but i think the forum is great. and even if they do have money left over then surley they deserve it for all the time theyve put in :ermm:

i think the threads kinda dead now though......... :huh:

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ill inject it with some life! from my penis!!!

sorry, ive got too much hypo left over :ermm:

I can see it from both sides really, but the only thing that should be in dispute should be whether ioli was 'advertising'. In my honest opinion I dont think he was....

Does anyone remember the "new company from koxx, Yaabaa" thread? I think thats still open.....

....See my point? :P ^^

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Haha, good old T-F. Gotta love how people can make stuff up and within a few posts it's taken as gospel...

From my point of view, T-F isn't "at the mercy" of advertisers. I've closed threads by everyone (even Bikedock :P) who has a banner on here, so saying we're bending over backwards to help them is a load of shit. Also, last year we had an excess amount of people asking for banners, so we could probably get someone else to cover it.

Anyway, if you buy a banner, you're still getting a shitload of people viewing your product, and in that the views of this forum seem to actually dictate how much stuff gets sold from whom, I think people still want to advertise their products in banner form. For shops like Cleanbikes, Tartybikes, Selectbikes and so on it also makes sense 'cos they can show off new stuff and people will still know about it, so no, us having closed their threads won't just suddenly make them leave.

I don't really have anything else to add, but it just seemed stupid that people could make up stuff about how terrible it is that T-F is under the thumb of advertisers and how we'll try and make it all happy and nice and "not piss them off" and stuff like that, when that's all bollocks, really. The main reason that advertising is clamped down on is that it f**ks up the forum if you get people constantly bombarding people with information, or "drip feeding customers tit-bits of info to try and keep topics bumped", to quote one of the advertisers...

So... yeah.

EDIT: Oh, and just so people know, not a single penny of the money from banners has ever gone into Tom or Danny's pockets, before any rumours about them living in massive mansions come up or any more weird rumours people want to start :rolleyes:

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