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Some People On This Forum Are Idiots.


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Triton , Yeah were actually part of the mafia not a Stupidly small rider owned company based in London. :huh:

Whats the big problem with us? I've actually given up posting stuff about new frames and parts on this forum. IOLO's post looked pretty much the same as the first of my posts about our frames. I think there should be one rule for everyone.

I reported it , I don't think i was the only one though.

Meh , Good luck to IOLO. (Y)

Im with what Luke said, as yes I also reported the topic.

You cant have different rules for different people depending on how much you like them ect.

Ive had links taken out of my sig because it was advertising, as the site has an "order" section on, and as Luke said had topics closed for advertising for the same reasons.

Does it seem fair that all of ours were closed, yet people "dont see a problem" with Iolos topic which is exactly the same?

anyway rant over, actually no its not..

"some people need to get a life..." take a page out of your own book Dave

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I can see from both sides of the arguement, can't we just change the rule so that, if you sell trials parts you can advertise? I really don't see the big problem with it all, it helps the members, opens new windows for people and helps the sport.

EDIT: i remember now something simon wrote ages ago.

something like

"if you advertise tf will go down because the sponsors at the top right hand sise of the page will get pissed off and stop paying to advertise then tf will have no money leaving everybody pissed off"

Edited by ash-kennard
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Ive had links taken out of my sig because it was advertising, as the site has an "order" section on, and as Luke said had topics closed for advertising for the same reasons.

But he was just saying this is my frame something i wanted to do e.t.c.

its like saying i cant say, "i really love my echo control its super" because thats advertising the bike and will encourage people to buy it?

he wasnt telling people to buy the product he was more informing you on what is available on the market and a small enough market it is already!!!

(dont mean to get up anyones noses about this)

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But he was just saying this is my frame something i wanted to do e.t.c.

its like saying i cant say, "i really love my echo control its super" because thats advertising the bike and will encourage people to buy it?

he wasnt telling people to buy the product he was more informing you on what is available on the market and a small enough market it is already!!!

(dont mean to get up anyones noses about this)

Yea I understand what you mean. If however you said "i really love my echo control its super, why not have an order form so you can buy one" that would be a bit different. I totally appreciate what hes doing, and all the hard work it takes to get there.

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Personally I simply moved it from Trials chat to News. It is a newsworthy thread whether it contains advertising or not. Its not a "Wow look we have product x in stock" Its a completely new frame and company and i think the people of the forum have a right to know. Good luck to the guy hes only one rider starting up, so needs all the help he can get. But then if Triton cycles or anyone else had a similar thread closed it cant be one rule for one person and another for the next. I dont know if thats the case as I have never closed any Triton related threats myself.

Advertising is such a thorney issue you wouldnt believe. There has been discussion after discussion on the matter, trying to form some sort of definitive set of rules thats fair to all concerned- but there always seems to be loop holes or contradictions because of the difficulty of defining it all.

It was left to run itself just fine until certain people started taking the piss and trying to get away with blatant plugs left right and centre without supporting the forum. Ever since then its been a very touchy subject.

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Personally I simply moved it from Trials chat to News. It is a newsworthy thread whether it contains advertising or not. Its not a "Wow look we have product x in stock" Its a completely new frame and company and i think the people of the forum have a right to know. Good luck to the guy hes only one rider starting up, so needs all the help he can get. But then if Triton cycles or anyone else had a similar thread closed it cant be one rule for one person and another for the next. I dont know if thats the case as I have never closed any Triton related threats myself.

Advertising is such a thorney issue you wouldnt believe. There has been discussion after discussion on the matter, trying to form some sort of definitive set of rules thats fair to all concerned- but there always seems to be loop holes or contradictions because of the difficulty of defining it all.

It was left to run itself just fine until certain people started taking the piss and trying to get away with blatant plugs left right and centre without supporting the forum. Ever since then its been a very touchy subject.

Just can't win really, i personaly like most don't mind the advertising as thats what a good part of this forum is about, especially with all these new shop sponsered riders vids etc. The only thing that really gets me is blatent plugs and extreme bias. Viz and the pro2 being unfortunately good examples of this. Ah well thats my 2p.

Best of luck to IOLO, can see him being the next Leeson sometime soon (Y)

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I don't know how much money the banners produce. But i do know this whole 'advertising' thing is getting unfair and out of hand.

It is impossible of the mods and admin to draw a line from what is advertising and what isn't, and that's understandable.

What i think should be done is allow advertising (to the degree where it's not stupid) and i doubt the people who pay for the banners will mind really. Becuse they still get a good chunk of the page, and will still get people clicking on them.

But like i said, i don't know how much money is comming in off the banners so i don't now weather TF can aford to loose them. :closedeyes:

Also, what happens to any spare money left over of the banners? Or if they don't generate enough, who pays for the up keep? :huh:

Edited by JT!
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Also, what happens to any spare money left over of the banners?

Ticks over to next month

Or if they don't generate enough, who pays for the up keep? :huh:

Tom and Danny.

The advertising stuff got out of handed months ago, with various people generally taking the piss. I've made atleast 3 threads in senior about advertising and how it gets out of hand, and each time we just drop the subject as its to hard to maintain.

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why arnt all the koxx ones closed then?? f**ks sake!! thats just as much advertising as iolo's. oh ye and that "new plazmatic screw on sprocket" f**ks sake, that is too. some people are f**king wankers :angry:

Koxx are one of the companies that pay to advertise on this forum, please correct if i am wrong in saying that but i am going by the advert they have on the top right. So therefore Koxx will have a little bit more right due to paying for advertising services.

This argument really aint gonna be settled. IMO i dont think it was direct advertising, just showing off his new venture, im sure sometime in the future if it kicks off like he would like he will have an ad on the top of the TF.

End of the day 50% of the topics in trials chat are about new products and that is as much advertising as IOLO's topic was so therefore i still stick with the view that it shouldnt have been closed


Edited by fruitbat
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it is a tricky topic,

BUT... if i had spent a huge amount of time getting this sorted,

put in loads of effort,

and spent loads of money..

then got my site online,

and THEN just waited,, it would have been ages before some1 stumbled apon me.

anyway, i really wasnt ramming prices and logos into your faces.

and as fruitbat said, that in the future i may want a banner,

well i did ask for one, but got told there might not be space, and then got no reply.

but thats ok cos i kno people are busy..

please can people try understand that i am doing this alone,

im not backed by a massive lump of cash,

and at the end of the day, im just a guy who loves biking and making things !

sorry for annoying the people/person who did report it.


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I would like to add that Iolo is actually doing this work himself; with the greatest deference to all businessmen around here, having the skills and tools to build a frame from scratch is worth slightly more to the trials community than peddling catalogue parts through an internet store. He deserves our support.

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Triton , Yeah were actually part of the mafia not a Stupidly small rider owned company based in London. :huh:

Whats the big problem with us? I've actually given up posting stuff about new frames and parts on this forum. IOLO's post looked pretty much the same as the first of my posts about our frames. I think there should be one rule for everyone.

I reported it , I don't think i was the only one though.

Meh , Good luck to IOLO. (Y)

Right so your posts got closed, yeh? bet you were a bit pee'd off. so why do the same for IOLO. Hes set up a very small business producing great frames at great prices. you say you closed it due to there should only be one rule. to be honest wernt you just a bit scared of the competion?

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Right so your posts got closed, yeh? bet you were a bit pee'd off. so why do the same for IOLO. Hes set up a very small business producing great frames at great prices. you say you closed it due to there should only be one rule. to be honest wernt you just a bit scared of the competion?

Ding ding, hit the nail on the head right there my good man, dont worry the triton boys are probably reporting this as we speak


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Personally I simply moved it from Trials chat to News.

Right, might as well do it here... I f**ked up on this one, 'cos I didn't actually realise it had moved to News 'til afterwards. I'd seen the topic yesterday in Trials Chat, and I thought that it might've been on thin ice there. I usually just wait for someone to report something before closing it, so I just waited for that one. I saw the reports and didn't see that it was "under review" or anything, so I closed it and listed the reason why. So yeah, my fault, sorry Dave.

To be honest, the advertising f**ks me off a lot. I don't mean people advertising, just the whole situation. However, there's virtually no way of sorting it out at all. The mods/admin and seniors have all tried coming up with stuff, but it basically just boils down to the fact that people will still always try and f**k everyone around and try and push and stretch the rules to see what happens. It happened back in the day, which pretty much started off all this sorta ad-wars shit.

I suppose a lesson for the future for anyone wanting to advertise their products or whatever might be just to PM any of the admins/mods just like Koxx and other people always do and ask to see what's gonna cross the line or whatever.

One last thing - it's a fanny trying to draw the line with this, so if you're going to try and be all 'funny' and start reporting any thread that has a product in (it's already begun ;)), why bother? You're wasting your own time and everyone elses, so just f**k off, basically. Common sense can usually get people through, so use it.

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lol meh who cares about advertising anyways its all good i like to see new products and how much they cost its much better than not knowing like iolo said!

TF is a good place for publicity as most the trials commuity venture on here at some point in there lives so why not allow people to post useful information for a change.

an those people who report have a right to due to the rules of the forum but saying that they are pretty sad if they can even be arsed to report it

as OTN boys always says its only the f**king internet deal with it

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Koxx are one of the companies that pay to advertise on this forum, please correct if i am wrong in saying that but i am going by the advert they have on the top right. So therefore Koxx will have a little bit more right due to paying for advertising services.

When i said this in an old Selectbikes topic, it turns out you pay for a banner, but you still cant advertise through topics.

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Not especially. It largely depends on the previously sketchy way that Tom had to pay for the forum, which led to one monthly payment of £180 (I think he said)... New server's also more than the old one too.

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