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Some People On This Forum Are Idiots.


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As Mark has already said, we have had reports asking for it to be closed. we have had reports asking for it to be closed. I'm not too fussed personally, as we all know loads of companies have been free to start up on here in the past.

If you have problems please contact us directly rather than publically on the forum. That also applies to anyone else who wants to reply to this.

WHY o why would anybody be that botherd about iolos post that they have reported it and asked for it to be closed? what the f**k is up with you, why do u take things so seriosly

idiots get a life.

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WHY o why would anybody be that botherd about iolos post that they have reported it and asked for it to be closed? what the f**k is up with you, why do u take things so seriosly

idiots get a life.

I was just f**king thinking this, it's just stupid.

Who the f**k reported it?


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An accurate guess would be one of the other bike makes. Begins with T, ends in N. :-

What some people don't understand, is that his post wasn't advertisement, if you plaster it with branding, prices, suppliers, sponsors, then its advertising.

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An accurate guess would be one of the other bike makes. Begins with T, ends in N. :-

What some people don't understand, is that his post wasn't advertisement, if you plaster it with branding, prices, suppliers, sponsors, then its advertising.

Tarzan :mellow:

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definatly agreed Dave, glad someone had the balls to put this topic up as that is bang right out of order closing someones topic when it wasnt in violation of any rules and simply cos some sulking sod didnt like t. See the wimps only reported it and didnt state in the topic itself that they didnt like the post, all the replies were good from what i can see

Might as well start closing every topic on this forum now as not everyone agrees with everything that is said. if someone has a problem with a post then dont f**king read it, simple as that the sulking n00bs! Would love to know who it was


Edited by fruitbat
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*searches members



the lemondae man

the ug man

the uni man

the wilson





Oooh ok I now know :$



trials goblin

trials dan

trials goon



trials man




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If you paid for advertising, you wouldnt be happy. I didnt report it, but to be honest i'm not really suprised that others did.

Afterall, it was blatant advertising.

Definition: The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.

So :P

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I have to say I didn't really understand why it had been closed. But then again I don't really understand or care about decisions like that, it's for the mods/admin to decide.

Partz, your list isn't very comprehensive. Where am I? :huh: Anyway, I think I know who Simon means. But let's not give the game away just yet. Here's some clues:

IPB Image + IPB Image

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If you paid for advertising, you wouldnt be happy. I didnt report it, but to be honest i'm not really suprised that others did.

Afterall, it was blatant advertising.

i wouldnt call it blatent in your face advertising, The people who pay for it have it in bright flashy attractive writing on the top of the site where everyone can see it. IOLO was just showing his new site and a new frame, Yeah it was mild advertising but i cant really see it affecting the likes of Select and Tartybikes

See how long it is before this topic is closed

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IPB Image + IPB Image






did notice one of the advertisments with a ribo shoe on it ^^^ i remebered the name then when i clicked reply forgot was trials.....???

anyway i think it was silly - the original post wasnt advertising maybe the 2nd reply was closer but just stated what the good was in the end! if we cant "reveiw" goods what can we do. But i guess someone thought it had crossed the line from showing to advertising. but how else was the company going to ever get off the floor???

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I have to say I didn't really understand why it had been closed. But then again I don't really understand or care about decisions like that, it's for the mods/admin to decide.

Partz, your list isn't very comprehensive. Where am I? :huh: Anyway, I think I know who Simon means. But let's not give the game away just yet. Here's some clues:

IPB Image + IPB Image

iw as struggling to get that one actually, think i got it now but not gonna say in case i get slated. If it is then i like your clues Tomm......feels like a dumbass

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did notice one of the advertisments with a ribo shoe on it ^^^ i remebered the name then when i clicked reply forgot was trials.....???

Yeah I noticed that today too. It linked to Ben Savage's eBay shop. Can't find a link now, you'll just have to wait and find it.

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An accurate guess would be one of the other bike makes. Begins with T, ends in N. :-

What some people don't understand, is that his post wasn't advertisement, if you plaster it with branding, prices, suppliers, sponsors, then its advertising.

Triton , Yeah were actually part of the mafia not a Stupidly small rider owned company based in London. :huh:

Whats the big problem with us? I've actually given up posting stuff about new frames and parts on this forum. IOLO's post looked pretty much the same as the first of my posts about our frames. I think there should be one rule for everyone.

I reported it , I don't think i was the only one though.

Meh , Good luck to IOLO. (Y)

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Somewhat heavy handed to close the topic , but all this uproar is creating further publicity and awareness perhaps beyond what the original post would have achieved . :huh:

Victory for the masses? :shifty:

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