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What Are We?


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I dont think trials riders fall into any one category, as we are all from different backgrounds. Some are on the greebo side of things coming from skating, some are chavvy coming from football, the list goes on. We all wear different clothes, listen to different music and like different things, so its hard to tell really.

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I think anyone i've rode with has fell into the extreme sports/skater collumn. Its like that thread before about silly questions, you just tell people its like bmx with big wheels, squeaky brakes and no saddle! It doesn't really matter that we dont fall into a category, thats a good thing! I like the fact that people are still amazed when they see you hop onto the back of a bench! (apart from THAT moaning old cogger!)

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I liked it when i was called an urban terrorist by old coot B)

I like the fact we can't be pigeon holed, because what we do is so random yet focused :blink: like we use every surface and terrain and we borrow allot from bmx..

Edited by DAB
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I think that its a good thing that we don't have much of a category because it makes it harder for people to discriminate against us like some people would say towards "chavs" or "goths" for example.

I'm sure that in the close future there will be some sort of a category for us as trials really is growing, not only the UK but inmost countries as of my knowledge.

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  Endohopper said:

we're just kids trying to have fun on absurdly small and expensive bicycles .

loving that phrase , by some twatty chav at my school me and my 2 trials riding buddies are called ' gay trials bummers' so in reply i just say to him i cant wait to alugh at you when you a 40 year old raving alchoholic or when your lying in a hopsital bed and im still riding around fit as a fiddle. :lol:

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we are obviously trial riders, duh!

but sometimes with what i ride you could call it free riding.

we have the ability to turn any object in to something to be ridin on.

benches, skate parks, walls!

we don't just have to stick to one type of ridin.

or are just looking for a nick-name?

free riders!

we're free to ride what we want.

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I just cal yself a "individual" i wear chav cloths, listen to chav music, wear student clothes and listen to greebo music, i dont mind anything really.

Im more friends with greebo's though, because chavs just welt you if you lok at them the wrong way :ermm: and im a "greb" for riding a bike, to chavs... lol

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but trials riders are nothing alike

if you really wanted to class me i would probably be a "chav" but have been grunge and skater and BMX'er

but then you ride with some grunders so there is no true steriotype between any of us we dont wear the same clothes or do the same things in our spare times. we just all ride and lets just leave it at that

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Mathew (carnagevisor) youve only just found out what trials is this week :blink: ...LOL...Your not one of 'us' until you get your bike i suppose...so meh :P

But yeh im Jared Lambe i suppose and i do moto trials and my main sport is motocross so im not even a "bike trialser" really.Well through the week i am.But yeh....

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