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Am I Overweight


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ive seen you ride. and i dont think your overweight at all, and i wouldnt say it affects your riding. just practice more.

btw im 5 11 and 12 ( sumtimes 12 and a half stone) and i wouldnt say it affects my riding at all

Edited by chrishayton
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depends if it's 13 stone of fat or muscle....

muscle will obviously make you stronger however on the other hand too much can affect your agility (ever see worlds strongest man run?)

Fat obviously is extra weight that your having to pull about.

I wouldn't really worry about it too much, im under weight, and my doctor has said that at my age (19) it's not something I need to be majorly concerned with just yet.....

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ive seen you ride. and i dont think your overweight at all, and i wouldnt say it affects your riding. just practice more.

btw im 5 11 and 12 ( sumtimes 12 and a half stone) and i wouldnt say it affects my riding at all

Yeah, your fair good.

I don't think it will effect your riding, wouldn't worry about it, cause' it's not really something what changes over night, so not much you could do about it right now anyway.

Just carry on and push a little bit harder.


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I'm 5 ft 10" and weigh just under 12 stones...and ride mod :P

Doesnt really affect my riding skills,

So i'm sure it wouldnt really affect your riding skills,

Plus, you are quite tall so most the weight could be from your height.

I wouldnt say your over weight.

Benny :)

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Stop worrying about if you're fat or not.

You woman :P

If you eat a lot of shit. Don't.


If being mature with regard to ones health makes me a woman, bring on the bras and panties....

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Ok, i have personal experience of this, in my oppinion i would not give a s*it whether people think u are fat or not.

I am 6ft4 and 19.5stone and i think i ride to a relitively good standard, people on the pompey and suton rides this weekend may back me up :ermm:

It is all in the practice, i mean i have hardly changed in weight over the past 18months i expect and yet my riding has still improved significantly!!!!!

Just keep at it dude, u may loose weight whilst riding, if not who cares.............


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I am 6ft4

Seriously? Havn't seen you in a while but I don't remember you being that tall..... :S

But yeah, Bigman was gonna be my example of someone who could certainly do with shifting a few pounds, but is still an awesome rider.

I think its a southwest thing, the bigger you are the better the rider - Bigman, Prawn, Gary, Steve. Then theres just freaks like Andrei who don't count....


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As long as you eat the right balanced diet then your bofy will be in the right shape for trials within no time, this is because our bodies are very clever things and adapt into being good/physically able to do the things you practise often through muscle growth and the loss of fat in certain areas.

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