SiTrials Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 karsonlevoret said: The day Si Harvey can't tap half a pallet (whichever way you have it up) will be the day Danny and Tom decide, "Hmm, lets validate people based on their complete lack of grammer, spelling, typing ability, or in fact need to make sense." Richsoz it wasn't harvey it was me and i had been doing all weekend i was just knackered!4 days of riding none stop really killed me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anzo Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Sorry to break the convo flow here, but Si, do these Demos pay well? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Cox Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 can i ride mod for m-a-d? maybe design a new mod frame hehe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cvtrial Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Pics?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrSuave Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 PoloTrials said: Do you know what! I'm Fed up of people like you dissing my riding all the F**KING TIME!if i did what your doing now i'd be ashamed! the demo isn't always to impress the bike riders xc, downhill or whatever but the people who don't do much bike riding and we're there to progress OUR sport!If your the kinda person that wants to be an ambassador for OUR sport then you wanna buck up your ideas mate!plus if i remember rightly your were there on a the sunday you try riding constantly for 4days! and see how you feel, but i forget your only like 14! your not a friggin 20year old! trust me once you get to 20 you'll pissing see! RANT OVER!oh wait!Does this piss you off? - I GET PAID TO RIDE MY BIKE!!!SO SHUT THE F**K UP! Si, f**kin love u man!! I was supposed to there with u but had to pull out, had a DJ gig booked dont let it get to u matey, remember he's a 14yr old pubeless virgin with little conception of what you were trying to portray to the public, the NON_TRIALS RIDING PUBLIC.your rad man, you rocked at NASS 2yrs agoGo GO GAYBAR!! And to captain prozac i would say the following:A) The idea was to promote A CAR, not to show off, it was to make people associate the car with an extreme sport. I garuntee 98% of the audiance would struggle with a decent wheelie and to them, belive me it is mighty impressive. AND why not come on a ride with all of us? Sagar,Barlow,Meek,Towes,Harvey,pratt,johnson,tomkins etc. anyone who does or has ridden for MAD so that we can make you eat your words and Si can make u eat his foot....................then throw you in the river Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Harrison Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 To be fair, MAD has had some good riders. I still rate Rich Johnson (shut up!), he was good bloke.Although it has to be said, Towes is a bell-end... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davetrials Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 karsonlevoret said: Two things: 1. I'd really like to see this pic. 2. Whoever you showed this pic to probably clocked you immediately for what you are, some Zoo!Team wannabe who thinks size is the most important thing in trials and hasn't the first clue what a demonstration is about. The day Si Harvey can't tap half a pallet (whichever way you have it up) will be the day Danny and Tom decide, "Hmm, lets validate people based on their complete lack of grammer, spelling, typing ability, or in fact need to make sense." If it was a MAD team demo then the standard or riding will have been about a thousand times better than what you have been describing. You're lying, and whats worse, you're trying to get attention for your own riding by slagging of other peoples.Richhe has done this gap ive seen a pic, shame tis wank. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Greenan!!!!!!!!!! Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 I think you did well. Matt came and spoke to me after the demo witch was nice, saying it's an outdoor show not a trials show i enjoyed it. Nadines entrance was great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teammad2004 Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Gentlemen (and ladies),An official word from M.A.D’s very own Giles Wolfe (that’s me, the Boss!)Last weekend Team MAD attended The Outdoor Show, an event aimed at a demographic age range of 18-80 years olds, male and female. M.A.D’s attendance at this event took 6 months of planning with the show organizers, sponsors, marketing agencies and logistic crews.We had 4 top quality riders at the show, in the shape of-Chris Towes (who started on the Team as a mechanic and has worked his way up to doing over 400 shows all over Europe, but does not ride so much these days, mainly due to other work commitments)Simon Sagar- (who was spotted by me at NASS in Peterborough back in 2004, and who impressed the riders so much with not only his riding but his attitude. He has done more overseas trips for M.A.D than any other rider in its 10 year history)Matt Barlow (who was runner up in Hop Idol 2004 and as far as I’m concerned is one of the nicest most personable people in his chosen sport)Nadine Staniforth (who stepped up to the challenge despite never doing anything like it in her life and pulled it off with immense passion and flare)After build up of our arena all day on Thursday, we had 3 show days with 4 ½ hour demos per day ahead of us. For the record, the M.A.D show was totally choreographed. We have found from the past that this is the best format to use. We base this on a few little known facts; here are some secrets for you to help you on your way. Work with your client. Work with your client and finally, work with your client.Now let me think for a bit who have we done stuff for, oh yes I remember, to name a few-Coke Cola- 1 month tour of Saudi Arabia.Jacques Villnerves 30th Birthday party.Blue Peter live performances x 3Launch party for Puma footwear.Orange mobile Phone product launches.Land Rover cars dealer days.In the case of The Outdoor Show, our client Skoda had very specific requirements as to how they wanted the show format. I do apologize to anyone who watched the demo’s and thought they were not of the usual high standard of riding expected from M.A.D.I did however find that most of the 1500 people that watched each show (please bear in mind the use of the words “show” and “performance”) seemed to like what they saw. We had a good chat with quite a few happy punters after the performances and I have to say I was very pleased with the feedback. On a couple of occasions people even asked us how they could get into the sport. So I’m quite happy that approximately 18,000 people went home content and maybe thinking to themselves “what a good thing for my son/daughter to get involved with”.Having read a few of the posts on this topic, I’m feel very disappointed that we did not raise the bar (so to speak) or push the limits as far as we could have for a few individuals that attended the show.Perhaps those individuals disappointed with M.A.D’s performance would be so kind as to supply there names and address so Team M.A.D can really give them what they rightly and justifiably deserve!!!!I don’t often reply on this forum, but I do read many posts. “Thank you” to all of you who understand what it is MAD does and what we are about. To those inconsequential twats who don’t understand, “lend me your brain, I want to build an idiot!” Bottom line- opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Nick Riviera Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 you hear that?thats the sound of getting owned Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mintsauce Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 oooh I've got an opinion on this one! I'll reply in depth in a minute, interesting topic.PeaceMatt "I ride like Beau's Nan" Barlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teammad2004 Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Can of worms......Check.Can opener.........Check. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Nick Riviera Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Harrison Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 As a side point, people really should get over using the word 'owned' so much.Fair comments from Giles - the fact that the MAD Team is as successful as it is speaks for itself... Hell, somewhere I've still got the poster of Jez Avery jumping over the Nissan Micra's... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mintsauce Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 I want to make something clear right from the outset. This does not upset me personally one iota, initially I laughed when I read the post. The phenomenon of athletes trying to boost their perceptions of competence by down talking the abilities of other people within their sport is something I am studying as I progress toward my PhD so it’s quite enlightening to experience it first hand. Lesson start… If the attacked individual has high public or sport specific respect/abilities then the greater the derived self efficacy enhancement gained by the attacker. Basically a compensatory measure for low global self esteem….Lesson end. This does upset me though. It upsets me from the point of view of the progression of OUR SPORT….trials.I would like to propose a few questions and offer answers to some…Q. Per show how many people watched the entire 30 minute MAD demonstration?A. On average between 1,000 and 2,000 people per showQ. As a result of the show how many people were exposed to the sport of trials?A. Over 18,000 people. I wonder how many individuals were inspired to take up the sport?Q. Did Beau actually talk to me?A. No, he obviously talked to someone on the team but at no point over the weekend did I get shown any trials pictures plus everyone who asked for a go on my bike I obliged. beau said: They were shockingly s**t. I was ashamed. They were all 20 or above and they rode like my nan.The accusation that Si and Chris are “shockingly s**t.” is laughable. They are great riders. Well capable of inspiring, impressing and promoting our sport. You were ashamed? I am ashamed. Ashamed that the same jealously and petty mindedness that six years ago made me turn from mainstream sports to riding has now infiltrated our sport. It could well be the bacteria that breaks trials apart. That is something truly worthy of shame.“They were all 20 or above and they rode like my nan.” My good friend Paul, a professional film maker, filmed 4 of the demos. Even though Skoda forced our hand into riding a certain way, a way that appeals more to a non-trials rider than an actual trials rider, I still stand by the quality of the shows. I’m willing to post them on here, in their entirety if necessary, if you first post up a film of your Nan. We’ll let some real riders make up their mind. Well…?That’s all for now, I’m going out riding...PeaceBarlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LukeDraisey! :) Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 (edited) yay! im back! i was gonna go to the outdoorshow thing, but decied against it. Edited March 21, 2006 by LukeDraisey! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazy_gap girl Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 mintsauce said: “They were all 20 or above and they rode like my nan.” My good friend Paul, a professional film maker, filmed 4 of the demos. Even though Skoda forced our hand into riding a certain way, a way that appeals more to a non-trials rider than an actual trials rider, I still stand by the quality of the shows. I’m willing to post them on here, in their entirety if necessary, if you first post up a film of your Nan. We’ll let some real riders make up their mind. Well…?That’s all for now, I’m going out riding...PeaceBarlowAhh yes i got a copy of the tread on slate dvd and... my god it has got to be the best filming iv seen in a very long time!!!!and oh my god!! the places in wales totaly awesome and very well said there Matt!. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B.E.A.U Posted March 21, 2006 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Ok ok. You have made some points and who ever said the ywould liek to see that pic of me add to msn and ill send it. its nothing special. Ok i came on a wee bit strong but i gace my opinion just liek all of you lot have. first off im not the one who cant type aswell. Ive read the posts and some of you need to sort your typing out to. Second i aint 14. I see the points im making but at the end if the day this is a forum if you hate someoen over an opinion you are sad. Ok i get how you are trying to promote them and thing. Wel done in that. But im not ever changing my opinion and comeing over all nice and say shit like ow i didnt know etc because thats stupid. I gave an opinion and thats that. Also you lot hate me at someon elses expence. When i had this account some one hacked it and made all of you hate me and this makes you hate me evan more. But im not going to cry over it. Its a forum. People will get abused. Also who ever posted the thing about that gap being shit. That wasnt the response i got. Also im not a stupid wanna be zoo rider as i dont like the frames. But the demo could o been better wit ha few gaps maybe. Also they could of sidehoped higher because the bar went up and down. Sorry i offended you this much. But ive had worse stuff said to me about things and i didnt go off in one. I said thanks i will try and use the things you said to help. But if yo uare going to be all pathetic then go ahead.Laters im out here you lot all follow each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teammad2004 Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 I rest my case. Need we continue this train of thred Gentlemen? Beau, however old you are, please have a word with your English teacher, I have felt for a while my 25p in the pound really is going to waste these days. You, are a shining example, heads above the rest of such a waste.I hope you can take not only some words of solice and wisdom from what has been said, but I really hope you can understand our points and perspectives.CheersMr Never ever give up the riding, no matter what form or type, its always a bike! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B.E.A.U Posted March 21, 2006 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Teammad2004 said: I rest my case. Need we continue this train of thred Gentlemen? Beau, however old you are, please have a word with your English teacher, I have felt for a while my 25p in the pound really is going to waste these days. You, are a shining example, heads above the rest of such a waste.I hope you can take not only some words of solice and wisdom from what has been said, but I really hope you can understand our points and perspectives.CheersMr Never ever give up the riding, no matter what form or type, its always a bike!Ok i will sorry this keybord is crap. OK guys im sorry about what i said. But if you are trying to promote something isnt it best to ride a wee bit big. Owel well done. Yes i have pissed you all off. Can we forget about it. Also i use the spell check everytime so dont blame me blame forum. Well close this if you want. i did come on harsh. But i am still not happy with it. Also i have just seen a pick of that matt. lol. ok bye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Harrison Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Pathetic. You've obviously clearly missed most of the points in this thread, probably even your own.And don't try and off-load the blame for being shit at English onto the keyboard or the forum. You shouldn't need a spell checker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B.E.A.U Posted March 21, 2006 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 snappel said: Pathetic. You've obviously clearly missed most of the points in this thread, probably even your own.And don't try and off-load the blame for being shit at English onto the keyboard or the forum. You shouldn't need a spell checker.What why cant i have a spell checker.. You make no sense to me. And yes im thick. Also yes the key board is wank. And what is it with people on here. You never belive anyone unless you actually know them. Owell i tried reasoning. I cant be arsed no more i gave my opinion i didnt liek the show i aske for someone elses and you clearly didnt get it because you had a go. You should really have a go if its an opinion. But owel nothing changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob_P Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 beau said: But owel nothing changes.Your right, you'll always be a retard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Harrison Posted March 21, 2006 Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 I never understand people who say 'im thick' (or equivalent). It's like being morbidly obese, such a cop-out.f**king do something about it. Typing correctly doesn't require intelligence, just pay attention at school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B.E.A.U Posted March 21, 2006 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2006 Rob P said: Your right, you'll always be a retardOk look ive tried resoning but ok be like that i have no time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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