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The Out Door Show


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Hay me and my pop went t the out door show today and there was 3 saracen mad riders doing a demo. I was like wicked i want to watch it. So i watched when they called it out. And the man commentating Said that the guys are all pro and one had been riding for 7 years. If this is true then oh my god i'm super pro. They were shockingly s**t. I was ashamed. They were all 20 or above and they rode like my nan. And the man was saying there pro like 5 times. I saw a trials rider watching and i asked him what he thought and he said they should not be on a bike. 7 years riding and they can just bout do a 360 hop. Most people on here even riding about 2 or 3 years would put these to shame. But did anyone else go and if so what did you think.

I asked them if i could have a go on one of the bikes and they said no. Then he started asking me if i rode and i said yes and he asked me how long etc and saw the picture on my phone. Me doing the gap in brum in zoo 26 tunni does off the white concrete block to small wall and he just rode off .lol

Please if you went tell me what you think.

Sorry if this is a waste of time.


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  beau said:

Erm they were strugling to tap just over half a pallet, whats going on there then. To say 7 years riding i wouldnt like to be him.

i can't tap 1/2 a pallet, thats far too low.

i'm sure they could show you a few things, and i honestly doubt they were crap.

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Everyone has their bad days, and remember were coming out of winter so i doubt they have done too many demos or even being riding that much, like Nadine said. So you could expect them to be a bit shakey starting again.

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it was the first time id ever riden at a demo of that size and i also ride street and comps and demo riding is very different its not really all about how high and big you go..

i think some of you are forgetting that most of the people watching didnt even know about trials till that moment so anything to them is bloody good!!





are some of the most helpful guys out there they have always gotta positive attatude about everything!!

Edited by crazy_gap girl
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  Simon said:

Ok, i've finally worked out why you type so shit.

Your head is so far up your own arse, you can't see the keys properly.

Makes perfect sense now.

Yes or not lol. I aint big headed. But everyone there was saying there wank. If the they want to get there name out and get people saying good things they want to ride better in demos. Who cars if its winter tehy were inddor so they should ride better becausr in winter they would have to of rode smaller things with more atention so they dont get hurt. But people were muttering how they were like not to good. There was a fair few riders standing with me. They were not impressed. Also i never said i was imense beause i know im not. I suck at riding. But i aint to botherd. Just saying how dissapointing it was.

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Mate...just take a look at what your writing and think about.

You have gone to an "outdoor show" , not a frigging trials demo..., there are there just for people to stand and watch and say " wow " - PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN A TRIAL BIKE BEFORE.

Yes im sure they did ride shit...but i bet plenty of people went home saying, oh my god, them guys on the bikes were great.

They can only ride the obstacles, there given, and usually its pretty basic stuff.Not there fault they just ride it.

You gotta get this..." i can do 40" sidehop" bollox out of your head...who cares, so what they were only doing 25...thats prolly all there was to sidehop.

Also there riding in front of like 1000 people at a time....put yourself in there shoes and watch yourself shit it (Y)

So yer as simon said take your head out of your arse.

Also another reason you piss me off....is beacuse youve been riding how long...2 years maximum...and your taking piss out of someone( simon sagar ) who BACK IN THE f**kING DAY probably inspired loadsssss of people to ride. sitrials.com was f**king legendry, riding with berridge , potts the lott. I kow i used to look at up to simon and think, wow...i wanna be that good one day.So even if he was shit,,,i wouldnt rip him because of what hes done for the sport.

And for the record...Just go on a ride with simon( or any of them ), i can assure you know, there not shit ;)(Y)

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Bollocks. I've seen them a few times. I remember a random Demo in Nottingham. It was a tiny, tiny section, just a few boxes and shit, nothing spectacular, but they made the best of it and impressed a hell of a lot of people...I think you exaggerated your story a fair bit there.

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As Joe says, these demos aren't aimed at you, you stupid ego-inflated moron. It's like when you see a trials demo at a shop, and there are loads of riders with their bikes there watching, going on about how crap it is.

You total fool. What a waste of a thread. The people watching that show would have been just as impressed with a 25in sidehop as they would with a 45in one. They don't know any different.

Perhaps the riders you saw, unlike you, didn't feel they had something to prove.

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  snappel said:

As Joe says, these demos aren't aimed at you, you stupid ego-inflated moron. It's like when you see a trials demo at a shop, and there are loads of riders with their bikes there watching, going on about how crap it is.

You total fool. What a waste of a thread. The people watching that show would have been just as impressed with a 25in sidehop as they would with a 45in one. They don't know any different.

Perhaps the riders you saw, unlike you, didn't feel they had something to prove.


'these demos aren't aimed at you, you stupid ego-inflated moron' :)

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Do you know what!

I'm Fed up of people like you dissing my riding all the F**KING TIME!

if i did what your doing now i'd be ashamed! the demo isn't always to impress the bike riders xc, downhill or whatever but the people who don't do much bike riding and we're there to progress OUR sport!

If your the kinda person that wants to be an ambassador for OUR sport then you wanna buck up your ideas mate!

plus if i remember rightly your were there on a the sunday you try riding constantly for 4days! and see how you feel, but i forget your only like 14! your not a friggin 20year old! trust me once you get to 20 you'll pissing see! :o


oh wait!

Does this piss you off? - I GET PAID TO RIDE MY BIKE!!!


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  PoloTrials said:

Do you know what!

I'm Fed up of people like you dissing my riding all the F**KING TIME!

if i did what your doing now i'd be ashamed! the demo isn't always to impress the bike riders xc, downhill or whatever but the people who don't do much bike riding and we're there to progress OUR sport!

If your the kinda person that wants to be an ambassador for OUR sport then you wanna buck up your ideas mate!

plus if i remember rightly your were there on a the sunday you try riding constantly for 4days! and see how you feel, but i forget your only like 14! your not a friggin 20year old! trust me once you get to 20 you'll pissing see! :o


oh wait!

Does this piss you off? - I GET PAID TO RIDE MY BIKE!!!


Lmao, ace. Can't wait for his reply.

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It'll probably be some sheepish 'Oh, I'm only new here, soz didn't mean to cause an argument'.

I bet Si and co have more fun on their bikes AND they get money for it. Clearly the idiot who started this thread only rides because he hopes people will bum him if he does some gap that somebody else did on some video. Why were you even watching the demo?

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Me doing the gap in brum in zoo 26 tunni does off the white concrete block to small wall and he just rode off .lol

Two things: 1. I'd really like to see this pic.

2. Whoever you showed this pic to probably clocked you immediately for what you are, some Zoo!Team wannabe who thinks size is the most important thing in trials and hasn't the first clue what a demonstration is about.

The day Si Harvey can't tap half a pallet (whichever way you have it up) will be the day Danny and Tom decide, "Hmm, lets validate people based on their complete lack of grammer, spelling, typing ability, or in fact need to make sense."

If it was a MAD team demo then the standard or riding will have been about a thousand times better than what you have been describing. You're lying, and whats worse, you're trying to get attention for your own riding by slagging of other peoples.


Edited by karsonlevoret
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