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Dilema - To Tell Insurance Company Or Not :-s

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Sitting at a round about today, red car infront, motorbike comes round round about, tis all clear, the red car pulls off. I then take another look to see if theres anything coming ..nope...i pull off, f**k BANG, straight into the red car infront who had stopped :huh: .FOOOL.

Anyways...turns out to be an oap, f**king typical, he seemed fine, nice chap, bladibla, then his wife got out the car saying, ooo think ive got wiplash or sum bollox, lol ...anwyays.

Damage...my car seems fine...just abit of a woobly bonnet..and pushed in front bumper...( but couldnt care bout my car )

His car...Fairlyish big dent in his boot...bout the size of a show....his boot wouldnt open.

And his back bumper was dented/pushed in all the way across.

I told him, id rather not go through the insurance company because theyll just rape me and make my insurance sky high...?? or will they.??will it go up??

Or do i keep it quite, see how much his damage is, and pay it outright?? Is it likely to be expensive?? how much??

Thanks for your time and patience, help would be great. Cheers

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This is kinda weird, i had the exact same situation today except for the hitting part.

Came upto a round about behind another car in the nearside lane, ouside lane all buggers off whilst i'm sat stuck behind some silly old bint staring at a clear roundabout. They then decided to go so i move off then they stop half onto the roundabout waiting for a car to come past that hadn't even got to the roundabout yet, causing me to almost hit them.

Old people should be banned...

Anyway, i would think any claim on a driver under 21 will bump the insurance up a stupid no matter how small the cost. Insurance companies know they can rape younger drivers. I'm assuming you are on your own policy? If so i would just sit tight and pay out of your own pocket for the damage. No matter how much it sucks.

You just got a years no claims right? so you won't wanna be losing that already (i am assuming you are on no claims protection).

Slightly OT, but how much you paid this year? Mine was £1400 last year with direct line however i got it right down to £540 with 1 years no claims this year switching to Barcleys. Although it ran out two days ago and i am still waiting for my certificate thing.


Above post just reminded me. Our old estate car got hit by a truck from behind a few years ago now. It looked like just the tailgate was screwed but we ended up having it completely rebuilt and it cost more than the value of the car itself.

Get a quote first and try and get some proof if you are gonna be paying it yourself. They may be old but they could easily try and rip you off, (the comment about whiplash sound to me like they will try and claim some compensation anyway), most people do.

Edited by RicH_87
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yerp body work cost a f**king fortune. (N)

as i and a couple of friends have found out! my mate drove into our gatepost and put a small dent in two panels. cost her £300 to fix and to be fair it was pathetic.

saying that no doubt your insurance will go up, how big is your excess aswell

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started my own policy at the beginning of the year...and it was £1400 :( .

f**k this cant really tell them can i :(

Why is it when you have no money, everything comes crashing down on you.

Car insurnace for the month, tax this month, crash >_<

I think his bumper was f**ked :(

and it was a proper shit car aswell, like a 1.0 unbranded car by daiwoo or summin :(

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Don't get too worried just yet, wait for the quote first you might be suprised.

The old guy might even forget? Perhaps not, but don't spend any money until you get that quote. No use in worrying yet.

Has happened to me before, and luckilly for me like u sed, the guy never ring me..

But this guy will ring me i can see it,

Can i claim it was his fault...he stopped for no reason?

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Unfortunately if you hit the back of someone it's basically your fault end of, unless there are circumstances like he had no brake lights or whatever.

It sucks mate, but it was your fault, even if he shouldn't have stopped... you should of looked again :(


Yer kinda new that :(

f**king shit :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Yer kinda new that :(

f**king shit :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Don't worry too much, you could always try a sob story and say you don't have any money as it is, and you can only give so much £50 or whatever

Besides even though its legally your fault, you couldn't have foreseen him slamming on really. Don't beat yourself up about it. As nichols_sam said, it sucks but theres nowt you can do

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For shure, pay for it yourself IMO.

If you shop around, you can get things much cheaper, perhaps buying a second hand bumper or boot and respraying it would be cheaper, thats what my dad did for my mums cars wing, turned out cheaper.

My dad being a reall tight-arse really helped, he got the cost down an awfull lot, which helped me, cos it was, kinda, erm, me who dunnit >_<(N):-

Morals of the post

Pay for it yourself

Shop around

Dont steal your mums car and crash it (for pics go to chasemechaseme.piczo.com, the Ford Puma on 'driving' page :unsure:


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Dont steal your mums car and crash it (for pics go to chasemechaseme.piczo.com, the Ford Puma on 'driving' page :unsure:

:blink: I eventually managed to find a google translator for that, but christ.

At least you get it all together on here, else you would be butt raped.

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The only advice i can give here is dont let them for christ sake go to an original dealers of the car eg: if its a honda dont let them take it to a honda garage.

My mates stupid bint of a neighbour managed to reverse all the way out of her drive way across both sides of the road and into my mates drive way where my car was and bang into the door. Had a lovely dent there for a while. Anyways renault garage said need a new door and the speaker inside it and everything else although my speaker is damn fine all quoting up to £972.00!!

However if you find a local body panel specialist like i did they can reduce the costs, instead of a new door they pulled it out resprayed and everything, looking better than before and cost £470 which the girl paid cash for.

NO ORIGINAL DEALER - they are rip off bastards!

stu (Y)

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Same thing happened with my mates VW polo (P reg i think). His car got hit from behind and unfortunately for him the guy gave false details and never got it sorted and the police said they weren't going to follow it up.

Anyway... His uncle works at a garage and despite the fact the lower rear bumper was battered and it bent everything else out of shape so much the boot was jammed shut, his uncle went to a bodywork specialist and got a new rear bumper sprayed it and straightened the rear end up for the grand total of £30. This was trade price for the panel though but it wasn't alot more than that at retail though something like £60-70 i'm sure he said.

So if he does get in contact you get the information of the car and get a quote from a bodywork specialist yourself, explain it to him as well i would imagine he won't be too bothered about were it gets done so long as you're polite and do get it sorted for him.

Also get things like photocopies of the invoice and a repair number from the place that will fix it to remove the possibilities of any future claims he might make.

Hope it goes well dude (Y)

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I won't be concerned about your insurance going up. I've been in a very similar crash where I was 100% at blame being the driver shunting from behind. I don't recall my premium going up my a large amount the following year.

You've paid all that money on insurance so I would seriously consider using it. With the cost of sorting out crash damage, it could easily be £1000 a car in a crash like this, so paying your excess, using the insurance and taking a small future increase in future premium is the sensible thing to do. I wouldn't forget to try and put yourself in the shoes of the other driver. I personally would be feeling annoyed if the driver who crashed into me sounded like they we trying to avoid taking things through the right channels. I'd be wanting my car repaired speedily without having to deal again with the bugger that crashed into me! I don't think the victim would care about doing the perpetrator a favour by sorting it out personally. One of the great things about the insurance company taking care of crash is that you don't need any personal correspondance between drivers - they do it all for you. These sorts of incidences can bring the worst out in people.

That £1400 you've already paid is the sort of figure that is basically expecting to cover a crash. These sorts of crashes are really common, and I was thankful that it was a relatively minor type when I had mine - A useful lesson in needing to be more aware at the wheel and always building in contigency for unexpected happenings from other drivers.

It's no biggee really - one of those things that happens to us all.


Same thing happened with my mates VW polo (P reg i think). His car got hit from behind and unfortunately for him the guy gave false details and never got it sorted and the police said they weren't going to follow it up.

Anyway... His uncle works at a garage and despite the fact the lower rear bumper was battered and it bent everything else out of shape so much the boot was jammed shut, his uncle went to a bodywork specialist and got a new rear bumper sprayed it and straightened the rear end up for the grand total of £30. This was trade price for the panel though but it wasn't alot more than that at retail though something like £60-70 i'm sure he said.

So if he does get in contact you get the information of the car and get a quote from a bodywork specialist yourself, explain it to him as well i would imagine he won't be too bothered about were it gets done so long as you're polite and do get it sorted for him.

Also get things like photocopies of the invoice and a repair number from the place that will fix it to remove the possibilities of any future claims he might make.

Hope it goes well dude (Y)

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i did a similar thing a while back, except i mainly minced my bumper and broke the other guys (no damage to the boot or anything else), ended up settling without insurance getting involved, but it was a close call. To be honest it may cost you an extra hundred quid for a couple of years, but the price to fix both cars is likely to be about 300-500, so may well be wirth taking the hit.

As other have said, wait for them to get a quote, then decide, and remember it's noth just thier car you'll be paying to fix its yours too, whereas insurance would fix both (i'm guessing you have fully comp).

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well, im going to say dont even THINK about going through insurance joe!

what these guys dont seem to realise, is that your excess WILL be around £500.

when i had a small crash, my insurance doubled the next year, from £500 up to £1000

sadly, i had no choice other than to go through insurance, as i hit some complete TWAT who tried claiming for whilash and everything, and took his car straight to the BMW dealers....

im still paying for it now, with a premium several hundred quid higher than it should be 2 years later, despite having a years no claims again sinse.

seriously joe, if the damage is less than £1000, pay it yourself! itll only end up costing you more in the long run!

mine has certainly cost me bigtime!

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what these guys dont seem to realise, is that your excess WILL be around £500.

when i had a small crash, my insurance doubled the next year, from £500 up to £1000

Yeah, no-one mentioned the excess. Obviously you know what that is, but it's likely to be loads like Prawn said. And then the years of extra premium you'll pay, it all adds up to lots. E.g. £500 extra next year, then £300, then £200. That's £1000 extra on your premiums in just 3 years.

What you need to remember is that whilst you might settle for a half-assed job done by some mate who knows del-boy, he probably won't, and you'll need to get it sorted through the official dealers. Otherwise, he could lose out in the long run by not having perfect body work etc, which he is blatantly not going to agree to. I think you're gonna have to ask him to get a quote and see what he says. He might be reasonable and go to a friend who will only charge a few quid, or he might go to the dealer who won't think twice about rinsing the b*****d that crashed into his customer. If it's extortionate then you might have to go with the insurance. The upside is that if you claim on the insurance, at least you can get yours fixed for no extra cost.

Of course if you can't afford to pay for the body work at the moment then you don't really have any option but to get the insurers involved.

Good luck (Y)

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