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Chris King.


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Hey, got my Chris King, 2nd hand. About 1 month ago.

It's all good, never skipped or anything.

But my mates is really loud, sorta' hard to explain.

And mine is really quiet, like you push it along and you can hear the tires over the King.

With my mates, you can hear it ticking, like a Hope.

I dunno' what to do with mine, It was something to do with it not bedded in right, but it hasn't skipped, and it's 2nd hand. So might not of been bed in much.

If anyone could help me as to get it engaging(sp) a bit louder, would be much help. If I haven't explained this very well, just ask questions and I'll try explain more.


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depends how much grease you have in your hub internals by the pawls and that.

if there is loads of greese you wont hear the engagments

if theres is little / no greese you will hear the engagments a lot more

So I would need to take it apart, and clean with WD40?

And put no greese in? or just abit of lube, some kind?

I have heard a bit about this, but I wasn't sure about it really.

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kings are quite sensitive :S and dont have any person exp. with them

genrally the more greese they have the more likley they are to skipp

and the less the faster they degrade????

im kind of out of my depth talking this deep about kings though ^_^

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nooooo kings dont use grease thay come with king ring drive lube in them if you want it to be loud open it up then pull out the axcel and the drive shell then clean it all out with a rag and use a tooth brush on the spins on the drive shell when you have it all cleand out put some triflow on the drive splines but not alot . if you puut in grease it will not engage properly and your king will skip and shit . king also recomends triflow fro cold weather because it is thiner then the king ring drive oil .

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