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Riding Tunes


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i dont listen to music when im riding...or if i do i will only have 1 headphone in so i can still hear whats going on.

favorite songs at the moment...

atreyu----------------------right side of the bed

avenged sevenfold------beast and the harlot

disturbed------------------down with the sickness

hoobastank---------------same direction

hoobastank---------------out of control


prong-----------------------london dungeon

prong-----------------------snap your fingers

unwritten law-------------F.I.G.H.T

unwritten law-------------lost control

i dont really like very well known songs...i prefer to search around and find some bands i have never heard of before :)


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I ride with my mp3 if i'm on my own but i keep it out if other people in there, but when i'm listenin to my mp3 usually trivium (saw em the other week B) ) of s.o.a.d but mainly the first 3 albums not to keen on the new albums. oh well

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I never trials ride with my MP3 player, its just dangerous man unless you're riding in a 100% isolated area with no chance of anyone walking infront of you.

I do ride A to B with music, admittedly thats dangerous too, but its not too loud that I can't hear other cars and people shouting random things :S to that I just love anything with a fast pace:

Prodigy - voodoo people/poison

BFMV - The poison (geez I like my poisons....)

Fuzigish - Monique (worth a download, seriously)

Lost prophets - Burn Burn


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i listen to punk rock and metal when riding street it blocks out the sound of cars going past (which, lets face it puts anyone off when you get a chav shouting out the window at you just as your about to do that giant gap or drop that you have never done before). :) and if anyone has that monique song please add me on msn planet-x-alan@hotmail.com and send it please i cant find it anywhere

Edited by planet x alan
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hi guys

i dont listen to music because;

1, its more sociable to talk

2, if you have it on loud you cant hear for warnings of people walking in the route your taking or advancing cars.

thats why i find it safeer not to wear hedphones. i may if i was riding in a secluded spots but i always find it safter not to listen to music

So do I.

But while walking it's : speed/power/fantasy/prog metal a'la Dream Theater, some jazz and swing a'la Brian Setzer Orchestra

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My god...I really do try to accept that people like different music to me, I really do. But sometimes it just makes me want to swear a lot.

Bullet For My Valentine...My Chemical Romance...I want to kill them. Everytime I walk into Tesco, look at the magazines...Kerrang...I never pick it up because its not worth the engery, but for about the 4th month running there is some posers on the front cover...all dressed in black with more make-up than Boy George.

IPB Image

Does that photo make anyone else feel really violent and make you wonder where the f**k is music going? although I live in peace because I know another loser, Kurt Cobain, will soon be on the front cover of Kerrang because its coming up to the anniversary of his death...which seems to drag on with Kerrang Magazine for the next 10 months.

Sigh...Anyway, Rant over.

I like...

The Clash

Pink Floyd



New Order


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i dont listen to music :mellow: what if you fell over and broke your mp3 or in my case ipod nano :o

An i pod nano you can break if you shout too loud arround it

last time i listen to music it got me so fired i tried to bunnyhop about 8 foot on my control which i cant bunnyhop at all well caught the front wheel and almost wen over the bars >_<lol

i dont usually listen to music when out in groups but when i do its got to be -






Eric Clapton

Thin Lizzy


Quite a wide range really

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