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The Falling Man


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i find the twin towers very distressing yet two planes just cannot make a building go down like that with fire or not! I believe that it was bombed from underneath and that the us goverment planned it to hide something.


the top of the building fell in so pushed the rest down...although i wouldnt put it past the americans to kill all those people to hide something


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Oh and another thing was that bush said he watched the first impact on TV, before he went into the classroom. However the only footage of the first plane hitting the first building was taken by those french documentary makers on there own personal camera. And there was no way they could of got it to news broadcasters in time for bush to watch it on national tv. Therefore many believe they had special forces in the area with there own cameras, which broadcast the first hit privately to Bush in his limo, before he went into the school. Becasue after all, he'd want to see his master plan going into action....wouldn't he?

Bush is also a f**king retard. Look up some Bushisms. Equally, under pressure, he's liable to f**k up like that unless he's got a PR team with him. I wouldn't read into it too much, but then again, I can't give a shit about conspiracy theories made up with very little evidence, or saying stuff like "They wouldn't let us see this, THEREFORE IT MUST MEAN THAT HE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF AND WILL RAPE US ALL" or whatever. Like you said, many theories saying this that and the other, so what makes your's special?


According to the architecture documentary I saw, Steve, it wasn't the top falling down into the rest or anything, it was the way that the building was designed and compartmentalised which caused the seperate compartments to rotate and collapse within their confines, which is why it didn't go all over the place 'n' stuff.

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Bush is also a f**king retard. Look up some Bushisms. Equally, under pressure, he's liable to f**k up like that unless he's got a PR team with him. I wouldn't read into it too much, but then again, I can't give a shit about conspiracy theories made up with very little evidence, or saying stuff like "They wouldn't let us see this, THEREFORE IT MUST MEAN THAT HE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF AND WILL RAPE US ALL" or whatever. Like you said, many theories saying this that and the other, so what makes your's special?


According to the architecture documentary I saw, Steve, it wasn't the top falling down into the rest or anything, it was the way that the building was designed and compartmentalised which caused the seperate compartments to rotate and collapse within their confines, which is why it didn't go all over the place 'n' stuff.

yeh sorry it came across wrong, its not MY theory, it was just something i read up on. I know we'll never know the truth really, and i don't really care either but i've been brought up seeing boths sides of any story so i just tend to learn both sides of this sort of thing and sit on my loverly fence.

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If i made the decision to jump from the building..me and my mum both decided we would get somebody to push us...i thought that the shock of falling would kill you before you got anywhere near the ground though,id hope that would happen to me..but knowing my luck i would be alive for the whole 10second fall...it must seem like the longest ten seconds of your life/death...



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Most leaders can get away with what they want if theirs names are Bush, Blair, that French one and the Israeli one.

Governments in 'western' 'civilised countries' are apparently democratic which cant be true becasue to be democratic you need to be transparent and held accountable, whioch I see very little off.

Politicans are just grown up posh bullies, just listen to them slag one another off in the commons.

One day that photo of the falling man will be used for some sort of propaganda purpose.

Also the man and tanks picture if he was killed for standing up for his beliefs just proves that we dont seem to have the basic right of freedom of speech and expression. Its getting like that i nthe UK with the you ar enot allowed to protest in Westminster Square.

The worlds all bull shit

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Also the man and tanks picture if he was killed for standing up for his beliefs just proves that we dont seem to have the basic right of freedom of speech and expression. Its getting like that i nthe UK with the you ar enot allowed to protest in Westminster Square.

The worlds all bull shit

That photo was taken at tiananmen square wasn't it? That is like one of the most famous places were innocent non violent protesters were killed, just for voicing their opinions.

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buy hey, we all no their is no such thing as freedom of speech. anyone who thinks there is such a thing, is very nieve.

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oh my god thats evil but true :ermm: , splat! imagine hopping out of a there on a bike *plans to get a job in a high rise building and keeping bike with me at all times*. try questioning free speech at school it's realy funny because it's so ironic and teachers can't do f**k all about it i love pshe sometimes (spent the whole lesson yelling at my teacher)

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