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Onza T-mag


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Hi all, I am going to be selling my onza t-bird and i a thinking of getting an onza t-mag 05 spec 1. I am wondering what they ride like? How strong they are? Are they worth the money (£499 from tarty)? Just it seems like a heck of a lot of money for me to pay for a bike but if it is worth it then i will see what my dad says tonight. I will not be able to get it right now but if the reviews are good then i will buy it after i get paid after easter hopefully.

Thanks in advance ALLEN.

Edited by Onzaallen
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Don't get a T-Mag. You will regret it. Except for a front disc, it doesn't have anything on a T-Pro. T-Mag rides shit, looks shit, weighs shit, its just generally a bad bike.

Get the T-Pro with a better specification.

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Don't get a T-Mag. You will regret it. Except for a front disc, it doesn't have anything on a T-Pro. T-Mag rides shit, looks shit, weighs shit, its just generally a bad bike.

Get the T-Pro with a better specification.

Too true. :(


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How about a Zona Zip with T-pro parts on?

If thats possible.... :-


Yeah that is possible, it is on supercycles web site for £499 i think.

Thanks Allen.

sweet bike! why not upgrade your t-bird...

My mate is wanting to buy it so i thought that i would get a new bike.

Cheers Allen.

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  • 1 year later...
If your buying a new bike, go for the t-pro, much better frame. But the t-mag's not without it's charm.

Don't get a T-Mag. You will regret it. Except for a front disc, it doesn't have anything on a T-Pro. T-Mag rides shit, looks shit, weighs shit, its just generally a bad bike.

Get the T-Pro with a better specification.

Bollocks to that!

When I started, I had a T-pro, and my mate had a T-Mag, I thought his bike was much better than mine, and I rode it again a few weeks ago, and it was like a shorter version of my Zona.

They are mint frames, I wish I had got one to be honest.

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Don't get a T-Mag. You will regret it. Except for a front disc, it doesn't have anything on a T-Pro. T-Mag rides shit, looks shit, weighs shit, its just generally a bad bike.

Get the T-Pro with a better specification.

Yep agreed, every T-mag I've ever ridden was absolute gash! if i was you I'd keep the old bike till i got validated then looked in the f/s wanted section as you can get a top spec'ced 1300+ bike for about 500-600.... ive brought 2nd hand and as long as you deal with a seller with good feedback will be awsome! will ride nicer and you wont have to be thinking about upgrading it! just saving all your money for when it breaks! hahaha hope ive helped

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