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Back-hoping Up Somthing


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Hey all,

I was out riding tonight doing the normal gap here and there and the odd sidehop. I was later on my way home a bit early to stop of and try a hop-up. It was a grit salt bin, Made it up quite easy then hoped round and off.

I have started to go much bigger now with hop-ups and now find i can do it up things that need a lot more presision and accuracy.

Do you think my hop-up the grit salt bin was large?

And could you all post your biggest? from cerb to bin or whatever.


Jaf :deej:

Edited by mr_chisholm
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Well to try and get bigger it's more or less down to how much you practice it but this is what i do to get high staying on my back wheel.

Line up exactly where you want to get up, Then try and get as close to the wall as you can while going foward (tap is easiest in my opinion) Just before you jump preload by leaning down so you can burst upwards then throw ur arms upwards with the bike. Keep practicing it and you will be doing bigger in no time :D

if you want more descriptive versions of that go to


hope that helped


Edited by Ewannnn
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Can any give me any tips back-wheeling things?

I can do them up curbs and probely bigger (havent tried yet)

I'm just having trouble because i can never keep the front wheel up.


Sure mate, the forum is for asking questions and helping people right.

Well here's how i approached the grit-salt bin.

1. Get in a comfortable position on the bike.

2. Hop up to back wheel.

3. Lower your front wheel down the side of the obstacle or slightly to the side.

4. Lower your body position on the bike.

5. Give a huge kick and spring up towards the obstacle.

6. Hop a few times on the edge to gain balance.

7. Turn hop off.

8. Then ride off smiling. :D

Hope that helped if more information is needed please ask again.


Jaf :deej:

P.s Ewan i think thats the beach wall? Also its big huge well done for that mate. (Y)(Y)

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Once you've got the technique down for lower stuff ( 24- 30 inches) it's a matter of taking off closer to the wall and tucking like a mofo.

You should be able get at least another 12 inches just by tucking more - like when pigeoning .

Getting closer to the wall means you don't have to travel so far forward - which means you can put more grunt into the up part. I always end up getting higher and cleaner if I try to tap and miss


staying on the back is a lot easier if you get up clean but it's basically a case of bendy legs and hanging your arse out

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Can any give me any tips back-wheeling things?

I can do them up curbs and probely bigger (havent tried yet)

I'm just having trouble because i can never keep the front wheel up.

Same, I can only get up curbs but I haven't really tried much else. Haven't been pedal hopping that long though :D

I sorta have the same trouble, ever since i tried to hop up this stair and took loads of skin off my leg i've lost alot of confidence.

Just wondering when your on your back wheel do you have your arms full length apart or are they slighty bent?


Edited by MadBoy
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