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Motorbike Trials At The Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony


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Yes thats right, trials at the commonwealth games opening ceremony.

Sure for those who saw it, it was nothing special, just some top Australian riders performing with some ballet dancers. (Motorbikes and ballet? :S )

But that's besides the point, i just think its pretty cool as the opening ceremony was broadcasted to over 1 billion people.

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Yeah, i saw it. Its great to have bikes oin round like that but i was dissapointed as they only rode round a little bit and did some tiny jumps off a little ramp. I think it would have been much better if they had a few little barrels or something for them to ride over at the back when they were just riding up and down, not even hard stuff, just a few barrels, coton reels, tyres. as a motorbike trials rider myself i think i could have made it more entertainin than it was. Fair enough its a ood thing for trials but it didnt really sell the sport to people. :)

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Anyone remember the Sydney 2000 Olympics opening ceremony? MTB trials was featured in that (no I dont mean the giant bicycle riding kangaroos). There were a bunch of guys on elevated rails doing static 180's and stuff. Of course it didnt get much airtime cos not many people would have known (or cared) what it was.

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I think the reason why they only had ramps was because they didn't want them to f**k up. A little embarressing if at the start of the commonwealth and some rider 5's it on a tractor tyre aswell as standing still for 2 minutes whilst lining up in a section.

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