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Have you tried foam grips?

I'm using monty one's at the moment which I really get on with. I might try a set of Ritchey WCS foam's on the new bike but certainley if you havn't, foam is worth a try. Great feel through the bars, and tends to help those of us with smaller hands get our hands around the bars properly.

Don't get them if you tend to throw your bike about as they tend to rip, I've had mine for a good two months now and they are still going strong.....

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Ritchley WCS

I use these, and they're forking nice!

I've had a go on a bike with Try-All ones, and they feel wayy to thin.

But the Ritchleys are perfect, not stupidly wide, not stupidly thin.


I'm with Dan6061, these grips are mint, well comfy and last long.

Get the richeys (Y)

Edited by Gears
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Sweet dan, i've been looking for them for a while, pity about the prce of them though. Im happy with monty one's and I just don't know if I could justify paying an extra £3 for something that I might not even like, when I can easily get something im used to you know?

How hard is the foam, does it compress easily or does it tend to hold it's shape?

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I would personally say foam grips are one of the nicest grips around.

There are however a few faults with foam grips (N) , 1. In the rain or river when your hands are wet or grips are wet you will find they can get rather 'slidy'. 2. Can have a rather quick ware rate on them.

Then again they have good points too. (Y) , 1. Shape to fit your hands 2. Can be very comfortable 3. They are nice to ride for along time. i.e Say if you were riding in a competion and you had to ride all day it wouldn't be too sore on your hands.

Hope i helped


Jaf :deej:

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