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I've recently thought my life was bad - I'm in a few grands worth of debt and not seeing anyway out of it. After reading the bunnies i've kind of realised that I should be grateful for what I have and that I have all my family around me.

Sorry if this seems like a load of crap to most people but this is chit-chat and im chit-chatting.

So everyone posting in "the angry thread" think whether that new chain snapping really is worth getting angry about.


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Good topic. The start of your message sounded like a loan advert. :)

My life is averaging. Exams on Friday which will decide the rest of my life and my driving test on monday...not too much pressure :ermm:

I see your point, we get pissed off about what is in effect, stupidly petty things. But thats just how we are, you for example are in a bit of a downer at the minute by the sound of that message, but you'll get out of it...everyone goes though that shit, its life, its a bitch...if it was easy you'd be bored with nothing to look forward to.

I have my new sexy phone on the way, I'm off out to get pissed on Saturday night and meet a few new faces, its nearly the weekend and I'll hopefully be driving on Monday.

Really think about what you've got, and what you've got to look forward to. If you have got nothing, get something! Its not hard, you got a girlfriend? If not, go out on Saturday with some mates you havent seen for a while and try and pull, if you've got someone, tell her you feel shit and she'll sort you out.

Start driving lessons if you don't already drive, new job, new course, new hobbie...anything.

I've had down points in my life, everyone has. But thats in the past and now I can look back on it and laugh and think about how f**kin petty it was.

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i think most people get carried away thinking of what they dont have, indeed you are right we should all be thinking and be gratefull for what we do have.

i nearly lost my mum a few years back ended up self harming because i was soo cut up (no pun inteded) on how i would only have one parent (my dad who i didnt get on with at the time).

now though i just take my mum as granted but really i should be more gratefull as i am lucky i still have her.

(sorry if i gone away from idea of the topic but i hope i didnt.)

Edited by Synergy
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when I get low or angry I think of people with nothing, not even a home or any money/personal belongings for instance in impoverished countires (Ethipia, India, LEDC or third world for the less PC of you). compare your situation with them. they are starving, have untold amounts of illness, nothing to look forward to so really anyone with enough money to own a computer and therefore be posting on TF should be thankful.

yes we suffer our problems, finances, relationships, exams but we have our good health and if everything does go tits up people to help us. many don't.

so cheer up! :rolleyes:

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when I get low or angry I think of people with nothing, not even a home or any money/personal belongings for instance in impoverished countires (Ethipia, India, LEDC or third world for the less PC of you). compare your situation with them. they are starving, have untold amounts of illness, nothing to look forward to so really anyone with enough money to own a computer and therefore be posting on TF should be thankful.

yes we suffer our problems, finances, relationships, exams but we have our good health and if everything does go tits up people to help us. many don't.

so cheer up! :rolleyes:

I had to laugh when you mentioned Ethiopia, the other day on the news, I don't know if anyone saw it but they were filming there, and some kid was sat there in a korn hoody, obviously donated by someone. Lol, poor b*****d, like things aren't hard enough for him.

I'm thinking of donating 10,000 'Frankie Says RELAX' teeshirts....

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sometime last year i found myself adjusting the way i look at life. one of my mates was involved in an armed robbery a few weeks back and when he told me the first thing i thought was 'well thats a new life experience not many people have, use it to your advantage and learn from it'. thats pretty much the way i see everything now, its very easy to be possitive when you look at life like that. i got injured out of all my sports earlier this year, was off the bike for 5 weeks and still cant kayak or climb. however during that time i found an amazing house to live in next year and got together with a great girl so maybe being injuried out was a good thing...

just try and see the possitives in life and how the shit ultimately makes you a better and stronger person...

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