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The Soon To Be-anybody Know Gaz?


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rity, he owes me a singlespeed kit, been waiting since before christmas, he promised it would be off in the new year as he had to take it to the bikeshop-which was alrite with me

funnily enough it still isnt here, i know it seems a petty small little item but its not really the point, he also owes me for advertising a 2.35 maxxis high roller dual ply in virtually unused condition, when i received it, it was a rather f**ked looking single ply in 2.5 size, he assured me he would make it up to me, but he hasnt.

he didnt reply to emails, and he wont reply on msn now, even though hes online loads....

anybody who knows him, would you fancy asking him to send it? preferably the 1 he described, not a few cassette spacers and a worn out sprocket (wouldnt surprise me)

cheers, paul

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Yeah he's like my best mate.

He doesn't come on here anymore, well nor do I either, but I'll let him know your still waiting.

He may send it, he may not. Probably wont though (Y)

Actually, come to think of it he asked me to bring over my cassette tool to take it off and I did but we forgot to do it.

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gaz is ok, i sold him my frame, forks, headset, bb, and surly tensioner. I have also bought a pair of middleburns, bb, and entire back wheel off of him.

hes ok, but can bull shit abit some times. eg the hope hub skipped 52 times on the first ride and i had to replace all the enternals, even though its in perfect working order

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humm, i know me

ok well, i don't have the single speed kit and haven't for a shit long time, it went bloody ages...

and just whilst i am here, wtf, so if i am a thiefing gypsy then why did i do so many deals with you then, and you kept getting stuff from me

and on the subject of the maxis tyre, i explained all this, and you accepted, and i accepted i was in the wrong so offered to do the deal with you, and you would send me the £25 and i would send you the crap, but i never got the money and never sent the stuff,


i then heard nothing from you, so moved on, gave up trials and lived alittle,

with the msn, i am logged on everythime a computer is on in my house as they are linked,

i will go on msn tonight if you still want to talk to me...

i have sold enough stuff on this forum, so by checking my refs al you see is the ones from nobbers who feel like saying something went wrong, but anyone who had a good deal with me says nothing...

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humm, i know me

ok well, i don't have the single speed kit and haven't for a shit long time, it went bloody ages...

and just whilst i am here, wtf, so if i am a thiefing gypsy then why did i do so many deals with you then, and you kept getting stuff from me

and on the subject of the maxis tyre, i explained all this, and you accepted, and i accepted i was in the wrong so offered to do the deal with you, and you would send me the £25 and i would send you the crap, but i never got the money and never sent the stuff,


i then heard nothing from you, so moved on, gave up trials and lived alittle,

with the msn, i am logged on everythime a computer is on in my house as they are linked,

i will go on msn tonight if you still want to talk to me...

i have sold enough stuff on this forum, so by checking my refs al you see is the ones from nobbers who feel like saying something went wrong, but anyone who had a good deal with me says nothing...

Why? everyone else get's good ref's..... why wouldn't you if you were a good seller/buyer.

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ok well, i don't have the single speed kit and haven't for a shit long time, it went bloody ages...

and just whilst i am here, wtf, so if i am a thiefing gypsy then why did i do so many deals with you then, and you kept getting stuff from me

we did a only did a few deals, you were always slack and didnt send very quickly

and on the subject of the maxis tyre, i explained all this, and you accepted, and i accepted i was in the wrong so offered to do the deal with you, and you would send me the £25 and i would send you the crap, but i never got the money and never sent the stuff,


i then heard nothing from you, so moved on, gave up trials and lived alittle,

funny that, i emailed you a few times with a few questions after we had decided, you never replied and didnt bother coming on msn....so no wonder you 'didnt' hear from me-what was i supposed to do?

i have sold enough stuff on this forum, so by checking my refs al you see is the ones from nobbers who feel like saying something went wrong, but anyone who had a good deal with me says nothing...

i think those comments are there for a reason gareth...like you said on msn-you dont really care-pretty poor attitude really

anyway, he claims he has sent it, i dont believe him, seems as though there is feck all i can do about it apart from discourage people from dealing with him in the future, the people ive spoken to who know him think hes a twat too-no surprise really

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the people ive spoken to who know him think hes a twat too-no surprise really

and who might that be, do you know how many people i actually know on this forum, Sam and i am sure he didn't call me a twat, and charlie who hates me anyway because i take the piss out of him

like i said i have given up trials and ridding in general so discourage as many people as you want with dealing with me, i have nothing to sell...

i have sent the shit, and don't have it here so i have no clue as to what happened to it, believe me or not..

and if you gunna take the piss out of my attitude to stuff back then, i had alot on so all i have to say to you is... F*CK YOU !!!!! you have no idea about me and my life so don't comment on it...

as far as i can see there is bugger all i can do, and after the abuse you been giving me then even if there was then i would be inclined not to bother...

so continue as you are and bad mouth me all you want, make up even more shit about me if you want, to be honest i couldn't give a flying f**k, charlie you might as well at the same time, you seem to hate me so much, i mean whats wrong did i interupt you freindship with Sam (i mean you love him so much)

and if you were so displeased with me being alittle slack with postage then why did you come back and buy more stuff ?

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In my opinion there is nothing worse than a person with no morals, lazy selfish twats that have no respect for others or there property, doesn't matter if its a tensioner or a full bike it should be sent and it should be sent as soon as you're paid and capable of doing so. banish him to new members chat, admin on this site should do more about known trouble makers, if he had bad references put him back in new members and remove his right to sell on the site, unfortunately theres nothing that can be done to prevent scammers ripping you except to pick up expensive items so they can't blag you, unfortunately its a shit world full of tossers imo, really annoys me.

hard luck paul mate, phil

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Yeah he's like my best mate.

He doesn't come on here anymore, well nor do I either, but I'll let him know your still waiting.

He may send it, he may not. Probably wont though (Y)

Actually, come to think of it he asked me to bring over my cassette tool to take it off and I did but we forgot to do it.

Sorry to get involved with this but i really had to point this out as this is bugging the hell outta me, someone who claims to be 'like your best mate', says you never took the item off of the bike and you are saying you sent it, sort of contradicts you a bit doesn't it. Not having a go at you as it has little to do with me but i just thought i'd point that out and it does make you look bad.

Edited by fruitbat
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right well i am a very impactient person and bored of waiting,

Phil White, on the off chance that it was you (strongly suspect it was) all i have to say is what a crock of shit you just posted, if i remember rightly you sold me a big hit frame, fair enough

i then bought some middleburns off you, sent you the money and got bugger all back, everytime i e-mailed you, you would just take the piss, threatening etc.

so WTF are you going on about, hate it when people rip people off and don't send stuff out, what a f**king wanker, you are the one who ripped me off, and after about 5 weeks finally got it an it was a pile of wank..

so don't you dare tell me anything and judge me, look at yourself..

Paul who exactly told you that i was a complete twat, i know bugger all people on here, charliue hates me as i call him ginger willy, and take the piss cause he get on my tits sooooo much, so keep at it charlie tell everyone whart a twat i am, paul i thought you were a decent guy from the chats on msn, but from this it has become clear you can be a right arse, it up to you weather you believe me or not, i know i don't have any f**king single spped kits so except it or not, couldn't give 2 shits if you think i am a thiefing gypsy or not..

don't care what anyone thinks of me on here to be honest, only reason i was here was for the "mini's on the trials forum"

so if you want to take Phil whites advice then ban me, i'm not going to loose any sleep over it,

Charlie you bad mouth me to everyone but never done it to my face, i'll come out ridding some time and you can say it to my face

chow ding trials forum

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The_soon_to_be, stop just arguing with random people who reply to this thread, and sort out pauloliver.

Al this shite you keep talking is just making yourself look an ever bigger asshole than you did before. You're obviously not organised with your sales or you're a thieving gypsey. Either way, its your fault. People buy stuff to recieve the parts, not for you to send them. If they dont get the parts, its your responsibility to sort it out.

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What is it with kids on here not being able to accept responsibility?

Someone mentioned about sending these prat's to NMC, I think thats actually a good idea, blacklisting still allows them to be pricks, and they can still advertise for sale post's.....

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chill out, i think someone got some issues they need to deal with.

edit :

charliue hates me as i call him ginger willy, and take the piss cause he get on my tits sooooo much, so keep at it charlie tell everyone whart a twat i am,

i dont think you're a twat because you called me names , i think you're a twat because you quite obviously are

edit 2:

i think you'll find ive not actually f**ked one person off , on a ride , ever. so have your tantrum and dont expect to ever be taken seriously again

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Fun thread (Y)

Sounds like the shit which needs to be sorted out (the deal that's not been completed) is being sorted out on MSN.

Feel free to cry at each other on the next group ride you go to...

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