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Oteepisode 2 Now Online.

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I never even knew there was a episode 1 :S

Edit: in Ep 1 at 2.17, that 'up' is a drop played in reverse isn't it?

Edited by jake1516
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Great riding by wayne! (Y)

I liked this better than the first episode. Ther's something with the editing i dont like, and why has the music such a poor quality?

Not complaining, just my opinion.. Pity it didn't work out as planned though, would be cool with a dvd :)

After all, thanks for sharing! ^_^

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the drop @ 1.30-1.35 is why i dont use kings any more.

if alex could upload it without sound all you can hear on that drop is a mahooooooooooooooooosiv BANG, and the cranks turned to the bottom of the pedal stroke. that was the last straw of me using a king and it was like 8 1/2ft drop.

so theres the evidence why i dont like them. god that brings back some good memories, and the laughs and good times i had with Danny from auz!!!! also alex markwart, and the crew from canberra sydney etc etc.

makes me more determind to want to go back, but just cant afford to. haha.


there also needs to be a big thanks to "Heatsinkbikes.com" which isnt on the site or the vids. but a big thanks tosteves support from last year and this year (Y):)

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both good videos - the riding in the second one is awesome, but whats more shocking is I can see how much you have improved, its crazy :S keep it up wayne!!

oh is that bunnyhop gap to maunal that buck did in bradford gonna make an appearance? that was nuts and needs to be seen!


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video one is on page4 of the site/vids and pics bit of this forum.

the topic starter is "trialmedia" and the title is "special trialmedia update" i think.

ye i dont like looking back on old footage, but its weird to see how things have changed a bit :S

the 3rd and 4th ones are like "between" some of these 2 vids that alex has put up, IF its the stuff he showed me a bit ago :) a big thanx to alex for all his time and effort he has put into this aswell (Y):D


i think alex is going to be a "Pro" photographer soon as some of the pictures he got on sunday were amazing!!!! if he can he could upload a couple into here just to show his ARTY work

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