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lol, your like 20 something, mum won't like that.

f**king hell, so what am i supposed to do, humiliate her on a public forum by saying she is rough? if you seriously think i would do that you can f**k off.

shes already better than you sam.

yeah, found a newish t-pro mint condition for 150 about a mile up the road


f**king hell simon, that is just wrong

I totally agree wit you ash some of these guys on here are right weirdo's. But hey what can you do...lol....

Ride and Die 4 Trials

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If only one knew the whole story. *points to post above* :-

Couldn't care who reports what. :P

In fairness, nowt fully conclusive yet, so who knows...

Ride and Die 4 Trials

Can't ride if you're dead, so why die for it? :P

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At least TRY to introduce more girls into the sport not scare them away!!!!! :(

I definitely think more girls should take up trials. Would make the sport a lot more interesting and a lot more competitive (Im not being sexist)......

HTT 4 Life

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Would make the sport a lot more interesting and a lot more competitive

Only if they get rid of Femina, but then there'd be complaints? I don't think you'd really notice the effects for a while, really, just 'cos to make it more competitive they'd have to ride as well as the top riders, which won't happen overnight? To be honest, it doesn't matter who they are if they're into the riding really, that's sorta what it's about, not what chromosones you've got?

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no body can talk about girls in trials because people either take it the wrong way or think there sexist or what ever..

i think it should be something that shouldn't be made fun of you should respect it :)

and OTN im not going there again!!!!! :mellow:

Only if they get rid of Femina, but then there'd be complaints? I don't think you'd really notice the effects for a while, really, just 'cos to make it more competitive they'd have to ride as well as the top riders, which won't happen overnight? To be honest, it doesn't matter who they are if they're into the riding really, that's sorta what it's about, not what chromosones you've got?

i herd there going to be splitting femina into two groups now :P

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That's only sorta inter-disciplinary splitting though. What that guy was saying was making trials more competitive, and if they're still in a seperate section then it means that they aren't riding against possibly better riders. When I rode comps, I didn't really expect to win (I still "rode to win", though), but I expected to learn, which I did. If you're riding against better riders, it's way better 'cos you just push yourself more and end up riding better, as well as being able to learn from them.

Just out of curiosity, was Lois Morgan riding the normal Inter categories at the YMSAs? I seem to remember she was. Seemed like a good idea though...

EDIT: Oh, and something else - do you think that the way that sponsorship deals are set up undermines female riders? Like there are some female riders (not naming any names here) who aren't as good as the male riders on the team, but have obviously been put on the team to show "look, girls can ride too, come buy our stuff". That's possibly going to attract more revenue, but by de-meaning female riders like that, isn't that also a negative thing?

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That's only sorta inter-disciplinary splitting though. What that guy was saying was making trials more competitive, and if they're still in a seperate section then it means that they aren't riding against possibly better riders. When I rode comps, I didn't really expect to win (I still "rode to win", though), but I expected to learn, which I did. If you're riding against better riders, it's way better 'cos you just push yourself more and end up riding better, as well as being able to learn from them.

Just out of curiosity, was Lois Morgan riding the normal Inter categories at the YMSAs? I seem to remember she was. Seemed like a good idea though...

EDIT: Oh, and something else - do you think that the way that sponsorship deals are set up undermines female riders? Like there are some female riders (not naming any names here) who aren't as good as the male riders on the team, but have obviously been put on the team to show "look, girls can ride too, come buy our stuff". That's possibly going to attract more revenue, but by de-meaning female riders like that, isn't that also a negative thing?

yea she was.. id only rarther see femina to be used in the world rounds.. i ride inter in my local comps.. it dose give you and possibley the guys in my case a more "oh gotta beat the girl" kind of thinkin lol

like you said i dont think it would change if femina wasn't there..

probley just felt sorry for us because we always lost haha! :rolleyes:

the sponsorship thing.. its possibly abit of both..... and i think your right.. companys may just want girls on ther team to show of in away, but in some cases not in trials but in other sports like snowboarding the girls that ride deserve it!!, me personly dont think im good enough to be on cb.. :) if that answers your question..

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the sponsorship thing.. its possibly abit of both..... and i think your right.. companys may just want girls on ther team to show of in away, but in some cases not in trials but in other sports like snowboarding the girls that ride deserve it!!, me personly dont think im good enough to be on cb.. :) if that answers your question..

Nah, honestly, when I said "Naming no names" that's 'cos I didn't have any, it was just looking at past trends. Like with Rachel Burdett, she lost out but got a place 'cos she was a girl? And other female riders in the past have picked up sponsorship deals for clothing companies or whatever purely on the basis that they're girls. It also makes business sense for companies. So yeah, it wasn't anything aimed at anyone now at all, it was just from looking at trends for sponsorship before, so don't worry about it. I also wouldn't worry about people and whether they think you're worth sponsorship or not. The only opinions you should really give any time for are those of Cleanbikes. It's them sorting you out, not some random on a net forum, so don't stress over shit like that. If Cleanbikes are happy with you, so what if some third party isn't? Just ride :)

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Well i'm gonna call you 'shouty dave' from now on.

Clearly, 99% of the internet lack the humour gene.

Jesus christ.

Incest is a f**king day at nursery for the type of jokes i or others come out with, to both male and female sex, makes no difference.

There's a time and place for it, and a pubic forum started by a 13 year old isn't. <_<

Anyway, welcome i supose. (Y)

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Opps, moving on from incest, didnt know the topic had changed.

Yay for woman in World Rounds, woman in lycra suits, who'll complain?

...oh dear, there is goes again...sexism, what a bugger.

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Yeah, the whole "i've got no sense of humour, so lets attack Simon for it" has already been done thanks.

And the whole, "I'm Simon, and other people have no sence of humor" has also already been done aswell, by yourslef, 3 times.

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