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This forum worries me... :lol:

Welcome to Trials-Forum (Y)

Enjoy your stay :ermm:

hahaha me two right now, absolutely hilarious! :lol::P

anyways welcome to the forum, ash hows the control?

tom tom

yeah and please drop the incest thing people will be posting pic's soon :-:P


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Iam 'Tom' i ride with 'Mr.Kennard' a fair bit, so iam sure ill get a chance to ride with you. Iam sure you will get validated in no time with your 'grammer' much quicker than your bro!, just hope your a cool dude *dudess* like you bro (Y).



Edited by wilky_mod_legend2
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lmao, some of the things i have just read, lmao, what a convo

i am new too, so hey welcome (Y) i have t-pro too, they are ace bikes, if you ant a proper chat, add me on geraldo453rolo@hotmail.com (if you have msn) welcome again, and incest is just absoulty wrong

(not to old or to young, same age) (Y)

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its cool to f**k ur sister.

is that a way to welcome a female member in this forum?


i think some of you are really sexist, for those who are, why cant you treat them equally? not just sweet talk and wind her up as shes Ash's sister or anything like that.

fine, im deaf, do you have a issue with that?

think before you all sexists say that.

not happy- i thought this was a close trials community, support each other, help out, chat, id like a nice forum (environment) where everyone treats each other equally.

any more, ( im not being a poof- i just want to get things straight) remarks about female riders, relatives, or any kind of discrimnation, im gonna report you.

Chloe, welcome to the forum.

its nice to have a community that has a mix of both sexes doing trials.

by the way, i live in soberton- ask ash about me- well easy to notice me in the hampshire comps as im deaf.


Edited by Revell-Bikes
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Clearly, 99% of the internet lack the humour gene.

Jesus christ.

Incest is a f**king day at nursery for the type of jokes i or others come out with, to both male and female sex, makes no difference.

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It's not meant to be taken seriously dude, i for one know that the internet and 'real life' is a different place.

Those who don't need to sort their lives out.

But anyways, theres always the 'block user' function if you don't like a certain person.

(stay away from OTN if you find incest offensive :rolleyes: )

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It's not meant to be taken seriously dude, i for one know that the internet and 'real life' is a different place.

Those who don't need to sort their lives out.

But anyways, theres always the 'block user' function if you don't like a certain person.

(stay away from OTN if you find incest offensive :rolleyes: )

lol that forum is one big happy family, literally lol


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fine, how does " its cool to f**k your sister" sound? surely that affects Ash and his sister, driving her/ him away from the forum . doesnt sound humourous.

not surprised youre a senior member.



*reminder to self* don't make any jokes except ones aged for under 8 year old's, as clearly there are people here who have the humour level of such an age.


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*reminder to self* don't make any jokes except ones aged for under 8 year old's, as clearly there are people here who have the humour level of such an age.


Hey simon, "pika boo!!"

Whats black, white, and read all over? A newspaper!!!!!

Sorry for that second joke there. I was pushing moral boundries to breaking point.

This conversation is mild compared to loads of stuff on trials forum. Obviously people posting on this are joking, except the few who dont understand what joking is.


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:o [sarcasm] Ageism now! Why can't we all hold hands and be happy in the world of Trials Forum [/sarcasm]

Look, with no arguments, no differences in opinion and not having a laugh on the forum, you have to admit the forum would just be boring.

'Whats your favourite bike?' 'Mines Monty' 'Yea, me too...urmm...so, what colour is your tire?'

They're both old enough to realise its a joke. If he can't accept a bit of incest at 13 or whatever, hows he going to cope when hes 40 being called a peadophile? (Joke, before someone comes at me with a knife). Its just political correctness bullshit, wow, hes quite young...who gives a shit, he and his sister probably talk more 'filth' than we do on here.

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I know they are joking, I don't care, they are just random people who live miles away that share the same interest (trials, not incest) but seriously can we please drop the incest thing as it really is quite a vulgar topic.

They're both old enough to realise its a joke. If he can't accept a bit of incest at 13 or whatever, hows he going to cope when hes 40 being called a peadophile? (Joke, before someone comes at me with a knife). Its just political correctness bullshit, wow, hes quite young...who gives a shit, he and his sister probably talk more 'filth' than we do on here.

1. He is 15

2. We really don't talk about such filth because it really isn't appropriate to discuss these kind of things with siblings as it truely is 100% disgusting.

3. Anymore talk of incest I will report as I don't find it appropriate.

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I have been playing guitar for years and am im the middle of grade 4, although for the time I have been playing you would have thought I would be a little better. But thats due to lack of practising :P .

Been playing with the camera lots recently too, but thats only really because Ashley drags me out.

I am very good at riding horses, well shetland ponies but they do count. I have won about 100 rosettes, probably more. But as they have moved over 100 miles away now I can't go riding at the stables up the road, because they are no longer 'up the road'. It's because of this that I now had nothing to do that I am starting trials, as there are quite a few riders in the area, Its good exercise, good fun and ashley can get me cheap parts.

Thanks for listening, Chloe

EDIT: T-pro next week (Y)

Edited by chloe-kennard
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Trust me, you can be older than 5 and still be able to ride them, they are the most versitile pony EVER. Although some people do look pretty silly on them as their feet almost touch the ground. But I am fairly short and I'm only 13 so I don't find that a problem.

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