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Monty Brake Spray

Sam Nugent

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I was just browsing through the CleanBikes components (it is the third one down in the 'Brake Spares' section) and I noticed that they sell a 'Brake Spray'. I am quite interested in this product and haven't noticed it before, just a few questions about it:

I was just wondering if it works?

Does it make your brakes perform better?

Who uses it and what do you think of it?

Would you recommend it to other riders?

Do you apply it to a smooth rim?

Thanks a lot,

Sam :)

Edited by Sam Nugent
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It used to be popular AGES ago. It's basically spray adhesive.

You spray it on a clean rim, and the brake works. Too much and the brake sticks, and it leaves the rim dirty after a while.. Makes the brakes sound horrible, eugh.

Grind and decent pads is a better solution than spraying glue all over the bike if you ask me.

I'm pretty sure the Monty team used it a good 10 years ago..

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(Y) Ok thanks for that........ I will just leave it then, but I don't want a grind (not for a while anyway), because I have gold sidewalls on my rim at the moment - maybe it will wear off though and then I will consider a grind.



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Yes just to back toxsin guy on that, just get a grind and decent pads you cant go wrong that monty spray looks a bad idea, all i can thinkof it being any use if if you was in a muddy comp and you wanted to clean your rim as you dont exactly have time to grind it.


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I don't use it, but a few of the lads I ride with had some out with them recently. What's this horrible squeak your all talking about? I don't recal any 'horrible' noises. It's kinda like tar in that there is a happy medium, once you go over that your brake will start to stick.

I'd use it if you could direct the spray because it tends to go over your tyres and all over your rims rather than just on the braking surface, Im a fussy git and don't like my bike to be dirty.

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Hey sam, i don't think you can grind your rim. Because it's anodised. That's what it said on tarty anyway. (Y)

No....... you can do it just if tarty offer the service and do it loads and loads of times it will slowly kill them but a lil taste of death is always a good thing! from breathing the dust in like

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I used to use it, but now i don't bother now i have a grind, i used these black pads when i got my grind and then i sprayed the monty spray all over my rim, and it made my rim look rank, when i braked the pad just became a powder, i reckon it's only good if you have a smooth rim, it doesn't ruin your pads as bad, but still holds well.

But yeah, get a grind, so much better, or just using tar (Y)

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Hey sam, i don't think you can grind your rim. Because it's anodised. That's what it said on tarty anyway. (Y)

That's non-sence.

Use tar?

The gold will wear off after a while anyway so i woudln't get atached to it.

As for monty brake spray just used hairspray, you get more and it's cheaper. But using either is a waste of time and money as it dosn't last long and your pads stick to the rim like said above.

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you can definantly grind the anodised sidewalls off, it just gives of bad fumes and clouds!

it goes silver just like a normal rim would then. i had mine done before tartybikes realised it was killing them! poor adam.

Wear a dust mask or ventilator? grind the rim outside perhaps?

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Can the people who are saying use tar please stop giving out bad advice.

Thank you

Grinding may also be seen as 'bad advice' surley it's down to personal opinion as to what works best for an individual....

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