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There's A Crack In My Magura Body


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I went to bleed my brake today so I could ride for the first time in a couple of months, and I noticed when I was doing it that there is a small crack in one of the actual magura brake bodies (dunno what they are called, the actual main bodies which the cylinders sit inside, etc).

How can I get it replaced, and how much will it cost? The brake is at a guess about 2 years old, came on a t-pro when they first came out, I dont know if that mean's it is covered by some sort of warranty??



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Don't maggies have some 5 year leakproof warrenty?

At a guess you could just get a new lever body on the cheap off the FS boards.......

Where is the crack? It might just be a case of not pulling too hard on the lever in certain directions to stop it from getting any worse, welding isn't really an option as i'm nearly sure that they arn't 100% aluminuim more an alloy of some sort.

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How can I claim on warranty?

It's not a case of "just don't pull to hard", because the crack is now big enough for water to squirt out of it slightly, it's useless.

Get a new one son. simple enough.

Do you mean buying a new one though? And a whole magura? I'm not made of money, it costs £70 for a single magura off Tarty! Is there anywhere that I can buy one single magura "half" from, for one side?

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I'm not made of money, it costs £70 for a single magura off Tarty! Is there anywhere that I can buy one single magura "half" from, for one side?

You didn't look hard enough.

Magura Slave Cylinder (M6/M6) £15.00


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Make sure you get the right one too, theres an m6/m6 which will do crossover to slave and brake hose to slave

and an m6/m8 which will do crossover to slave and bleed bolt.

Other way round you silly blackpoolian :P

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