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New Tattoos


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I'm not really sure why but i have always loved this...

IPB Image

I'd really like to have that tattooed pretty much that size somewhere, with the deliberate overlap so it looks like a doodle, not really sure where though..

Also on my shoulder I drew up a design ages ago for a donor card, much the same as the new howies teeshirt.. smaller than this pic though!

IPB Image

[i actually am an organ donor by the way!!]

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Right, IMO I have always thought tatoo's are pointless and a waste of time. BUT reading this thread has changed that. Let me explain my story:

Basically, when my mum was 15, she slept with this bloke, whos a cock. Thus i came into the world, and im a cock. When she was 17, she met my step dad(who i call and class as my real dad). I would really like to show that i appreciate what he has done for me. I have always used his last name(cable) and never my real father's. I have never even seen my real dad, let alone spoke to him. You can possibly understand why i dont want nothing todo with his side of the family. So i was thinking of getting 'Cable' tatooed on my arm. Why do you guys think? i dont want it to be big but just enough so it can be seen.

Opinions would be awesome!

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i've never been into having words written on me to be honest - there's always the chance you'll regret it.

if it's your name then it makes a lot more sense.

The way i've always approached it is to make sure it's about something you really believe in. Without getting too arty my only tat (a little stickman type thing running along with a massive wang dangling between his legs and a hole in his head) is representative (to me at least) of the human male condition. It's a slightly cynincal view i'll grant you but it's one i'm fairly confident i'll still have in my head when i'm 50.

I've had the bugger nearly 10 years now and haven't regretted getting it done - although i've been wanting it tarted up for a while cos i've gotten a lot better at drawing pictures since i first designed it.

actually, thats another thing. I couldn't imagine getting somebody else's pictures drawn on me - I'm an artist by trade so I guess its a bit different for those that aren't creatively oriented but the idea of scarring my self permanently with something that wasn't 100% personal upsets me greatly - i'd do the job myself if i thought i could reach and wouldn't f**k it up.

back to your original question - In your position there are a lot worse things you could have drawn on yourself but if you're up here asking if it's good idea maybe you aren't ready to have it done yet- if you get me.

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i've never been into having words written on me to be honest - there's always the chance you'll regret it.

if it's your name then it makes a lot more sense.

The way i've always approached it is to make sure it's about something you really believe in. Without getting too arty my only tat (a little stickman type thing running along with a massive wang dangling between his leg..................................................................................................................................

Oh i do love you poo pipe, The way you can put cock, balls, vagina or boobs into any post you make :) That takes true talent :D

Anyway, Im getting this done as soon as i have money:

IPB Image

Its the invicta horse ont fire brigade badge, as my dad was in the fire brigade before he died and its a tattoo with great meaning to me in his memorie, i also take interest in the fire brigade, So tis all good..

It will be going on the very upper part of my right arm (Side of shoulder sort of place) Should be good when its completely finished, with red filled in.

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If I were you id make the banner bigger.

Agreed, obviously it's totally up to you, but I'd have the banner bigger and kinda disappearing round behind the badge, then the ends appearing again, if that makes any sense? That way the "Dad" message is more predominant!


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i get my wings soon :)

Weyhey, we'll be tattoo twins............. and we're both called Dave....... freaky huh?

Ok not really, anyway here are mine, don't get bigger ones or I will be jealous!

IPB Image


PS: 7 hours and the back f**king hurts like hell, well worth it though!

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Thats what you want, the banner a bit larger so that it stands out more.

When i get home ill show you what I mean

Yeh it the "Dad" will curve with the banner and the depth of the banner will be bigger, Im not very good at photoshop or paint or anything like that so it was the best i could do :$ Hopefully the tattooist will be able to help me get the it look as good as it can be.

Goes to find out what predominant means...... :-

Edit: Ohhhh yep thats sounds good to me. (Y)

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Weyhey, we'll be tattoo twins............. and we're both called Dave....... freaky huh?

Ok not really, anyway here are mine, don't get bigger ones or I will be jealous!

IPB Image


PS: 7 hours and the back f**king hurts like hell, well worth it though!


now thats cool! how long did it take? and did you get them both at once?

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now thats cool! how long did it take? and did you get them both at once?

7 hours, had it in two sessions though because it's knackering. It hurts like hell so you tense up and that gets tiring after a while. First session got all the outline for both done and the detail for like the top 3rd of one wing, so that was all I had for a little while, then got the rest of the detail done in the second sitting!


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Not sure what you're saying Joe, haha?!??

Just read my comment and it is a bit confusing, I meant that it took 7 hours and getting tattoos on your back hurt like hell, lol.


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