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New Tattoos


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I thought I'd post a quick pic to show how my rework has gone so far. Please ignore the fact that I look jaundiced in the right hand pic!

The left had pic is before. It looks ok there if I'm honest but this was the day it was finished, it faded a lot as you can see from the right had pic which is the rework so far, the birds and roses have all been redone but the heart and scroll and flames haven't and you can see how they've faded since the first pic was taken.

The main difference is the richer colours, heavier shading and generally better line work (not visible here but up close the linework on the original was shocking) and it isn't just because it's fresh because it's practically healed already, been done a week now!

Let me know what you think, a few people have said they prefer it before but I don't have any pics to show just how bad it looked, it was like it had been done with coloured pencils, trust!

IPB Image

I'll post more pics when it's all finished, the artist doing the rework is JJ at Blood Bros Ltd in Islington, he is a top bloke and allthought they charge £70 an hour which is top end price he works very fast!


hairy chest for the win :lol: forgot to mention the tattoo looks much better

Edited by LukeBrisaRider
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Time for the final installment on my re-work!

This picture doesn't do it justice it looks amazing, but shows the stages from original, to first session to finished job.

Since the second pic the heart has been completely re-done including a cover up job on the flames which looked shite and now look awesome (you can kinda see in the pic they are now swirly and look the nuts)! The scroll has been made to look a bit tattered (this was to cover up the wonky lines of the original) and the X's have been straightened up and the heart has been given a more "traditional" look overall with the dark spots etc. I think you'll agree it looks a lot better!

In total, 2 sessions to rework. 3 hours first time, 1 and a half hours second time, total £310

IPB Image

Comments please :)


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You could have got a bit more man fur in the final shot - just to get my juices flowing.

I'll take a pic of my arse and post it for you one of these days, that's the most furry thing you will possibly ever see, we're talking full cheek coverage!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love to have something like the wings thats Small_Gear_Big_Style has, but its not the fact i will regret it when im older, because if they're on my back im not going to wake up to them every morning.

But, its the pain and time. Can you honestly tell me how much pain I would go through having those wings done? :-

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Can you honestly tell me how much pain I would go through having those wings done? :-

7 hours of fairly bad pain (in 2 sessions). I'm not trying to dramatise it or anything, I mean it's not unbearable because I'm not really a fan of pain so I wouldn't have done it if it was, but it's not very nice at all and I was knackered after both sessions from tensing up, I was sat there wishing it was over after the first hour, and there was a lot of foul language.

But having said that it was all worth it, and the endurance is kinda part of the appeal in a way, if tattoos were just like drawing on your skin with a felt tip then people wouldn't be as intrigued I don't think.


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  • 5 weeks later...

heres my 2 recently got the second one on monday the 8th of jan (the one that looks like a R i got 2 days after my 18th both are my designs Shamanics in westcliff (near southend) i got both of them done, really nice people who work there and pretty cheap 80 quid each

soon to have mums maidon name across the back and lion on my chest but still designing that one



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  • 1 month later...

I've only got one tattoo (a half sleeve on my leg), it's taken over 13 hours so far.

2 and a half more and it'll be finished (thats in 2 weeks or so).

I'll post a picture or two when it's all done and healed up.

Not exactly tattoo related, but body modification anyway, I've got my lobes stretched to 18mm each, the plan is to get them both to an inch.

Like the hand tattoo Danny. (Y)

Edited by Feste
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I'd Like one with Like wings on my back.. or scar looks like they've been removed.. has anyone else seen this or know who would be good with designing it?

Wing tattoos are very popular, they look really good. A tip: If you're going for wing tattoos, get them so they cover up your whole back. Small wing tattoos just don't work, they look out of proportion with your body.

The scar idea is a good one, I've seen that a couple of times (if you mean an actually professional done scar, not a tattoo that looks like a scar, but I've seen both). Make sure you do some VERY good research when searching for the right person. Theres very few people capable of doing that sort of work correctly.

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I can do you a scar with the help of stanley if you like?

I want a new tat, not sure what though. Want it to start above my left breast, go over my shoulder, round my back and come out just right of me bellybutton on the right side obviously lol.

Shall be fun

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  • 4 weeks later...

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