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How The Hell Do You Get Up Objects?


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Right ive learned most other basic things in trials i.e. hoping down stuff.........but getting up walls or stuff like that hopping up benches anything to do with getting up stuff iam really crap at....

i just need some advice on getting up stuff wether it be sidehopping or what ever else???????????

cheers its much appreciated

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in order of easyness. i wont cover any of the more complicate moves like sidehopping, just the basics.

1 roling up somthing. put front wheel on, pull back wheel up. going to bash is gay, dont(accidents are fine :P ) .

2. kickhopping up. i guess this isnt really for anything too mahusive. just kick hop along like usual then when you want to go up hop higer (Y).

3. bunnyhopping/pedaling to backwheel. bunnyhoping, basically, you pull up hard on your front, the unwait the back end and suck it up ;)

( for pedaling up i'll wait for mark cos he can capy and paste that big tutorial thang.)

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Roll at the wall like you mean it. Focus on where you wanna land. Bad foot at about the 12 o'clock position.

IPB Image

As you get nearer the wall, start pedalling hard, whilst crouching down over the bars, ready to spring up.

IPB Image

As you pull up and your good foot comes round to the top of the stroke, start really throwing your body up, and lifting the bars up hard with your arms.

IPB Image

Extend your body vertically, meaning you can suck the bike up underneath you higher. Just spring up super hard, whilst still pulling the bars hard.

IPB Image

Throw the bars forwards once the front's cleared the wall fully, and bring the back of the bike up with your hips, knees and ankles. Just suck it up IPB Image

IPB Image

That should do it, really...


Taken from here.

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On the subject does anyone else do 1/4 a pedal stroke only? Asin starting with you forward foot at the 12oclock and ending with it a 3oclock. I've never seen anyone else that does it like this and everyone i know doesn't know how i can get as high as i can from it, yet it feels more comfortable than doing a full pedal stroke. Saying that i can't get any higher than 36'' so i might need to learn full strokes to get higher?

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There are lots of tecniques for getting up and over obstacles. Here are three examples

1. You could bash guard the obstacle. This is where you wheel into the wall and kindove bunnyhop onto the bash plate/ring.

2. You could also tap the wall, this is basicaly the same as the bashgaurding exept for one thing you go straight up to back wheel.

3. You could alsoside hop the wall, this is where you back hope parralel to the wall and then go "side ways" up onto the obstical.

Hope i've helped alot! (Y)

from stuart

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It depends on the size off the object u want to get up, you could try back wheeling it but i find that difficult when the objects are above my waist hight. One of the things i do when gettin up things is wheelie hop on to my front tyre then let my front brake off and either get both wheels on or go to bash and just my pedal to get up. (Y)


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