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Streets Tour 06


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For anyone whos interested, The Streets are touring the UK Throughout April and May. Got my ticket booked for Notts on the 3rd of May!! Can't wait. More information and booking here.

And if all your gonne do is reply about how chavvy you think me, or the streets are.. dont.

Thanks, James.

Edited by James
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i don't like the streets, but this isn't about that!

Are they good live? I just can't see how they would be interesting to watch in the live setting, i have seen many bands live that i am not into and even though i didn't like there music, i could appreiate them live. If you know what I mean...

Bit Confusing, just interested!

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i imagine they would be pretty cool, totally different to seeing a rock band though

ive seen a few rap/hiphop acts (to buggery if i can remember who they were though :P and yes i know the streets arent rap/hiphop but they dont play thier own instruments and stuff, so its the only comparison i can give) and it was pretty cool, a fight every second, but that just added to the atomosphere

im guessin skinner will get lots of fit, scantily clad women to dance around with him, if so it sounds like itll be a top gig :)

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i imagine they would be pretty cool, totally different to seeing a rock band though

ive seen a few rap/hiphop acts (to buggery if i can remember who they were though :P and yes i know the streets arent rap/hiphop but they dont play thier own instruments and stuff, so its the only comparison i can give) and it was pretty cool, a fight every second, but that just added to the atomosphere

im guessin skinner will get lots of fit, scantily clad women to dance around with him, if so it sounds like itll be a top gig :)

true, as long as they are not scantily clad chavs .. hehe

I haven't seen much hip hop live - Saw Rahzel at a Club , which was ok! Seen Enimen at MEN and Leeds Festy and he was shit and saw RUN DMC at leeds festy and they were awesome!!

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the streets live is completely different to how you'd think. honestly, i saw them at alexandra palace this time last year and i will admit, i was skeptical as to the sort of people youd get at the gig. but it wasnt chavs having fights, it was people who genuinly appriciated the music, people like grungers and emo or whatever they are called. besides, why would people pay £20 each just to go and have a fight. no ones drunk becuase they dnt wanna need a piss in the middle and cant get to the bar anyway lol and the streets, as with their music, are different to anything u will have seen/heard before. mike skinner isnt in any way like rap hip hop people with their ho's and bitches around them. its just him, and a guy on vocals/chorus with mic's and they are awesome. Mike just knows how to entertain a crowd. before you judge the streets, go and see them live then make up your mind.

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Ive seen them live before, on the big Carling stage at reading a couple of years ago. Because it was purely rockers that went, we were all preparing our bottles to throw, but actually, after giving them a chance, they went down very well, even light-heartedly taking the piss out of the "rocker" dance and getting the crowd to mosh to it.

Shame 50 cent didnt go down so well, haha.. But that was just funny. Hundreds of people throwing bottles at him, and he just continued his performance on the stage, even throwing the bottles back! :S

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