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b*****d Pop Ups/spyware Etc


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Ive formatted twice in the last week in order to ry and rid myself of this awful shit.

Its constant pop ups which are very annoying, like this

IPB Image

Ive formatted, updated etc. I cant get SP2 due to a fake version of windows.

Got adaware, and spybot. Run them both in safe mode etc.

Its really pissing me off now, heres my running applications

IPB Image

Ay ideas?

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John, go into Internet Options, click 'Advanced' and then disable 'third-part browser extensions'. Then re-boot, then run anti-spyware scan, then download Firefox!!

yep - do that

but if you want to keep using a proper browser rather then dirty netscape (sorry firefox) get yourself the google toolbar to block popups, zonealarm to stop evil things interfering with your machine and some sensible virus protection (ie macafee - not norton)

i have all that stuff installed and when i download porn and steal software i dont get adware or virii .

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Sorry did you just say to use a proper browser and mean IE ? If you seriously believe that then you arent in thet position to give out tech advice to anyone involving computers.

I had a feeling that was going to be a contentious point :D

-- edit--

i deleted this cos i was being a cock cos i'm giving u smoking


reasons to use IE

1. you're already running it on windows - whether you have it open or not so you aren't wasting valuable resources like memory.

2. its not Mozilla

Edited by poopipe
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I don't know if this is 'messenger spam' which I have heard of but never experienced.

Try switching off messenger service? This is unrelated to Windows Messenger, which you might use.

1. Start->[settings, maybe]->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services

2. Click on the "status" bar at the top enough times to see which services have started

3. If there's one called "Messenger", right click on it and stop it. Then right click on it again and use the properties to disable it. My own is disabled and has been for a long time.

Check what is started when your computer starts with StartUpList, found here:


(one or two other useful things there too)

And let us know if there are any start lines you don't recognise or can't find reference to on the web

AVGFree virus scanner is worth mentioning, as is ZoneAlarm (also free) if you don't already have a virus scanner. Although Windows with SP2 does have its own firewall software I still prefer ZA, having got used to it (no comments please)

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reasons to use IE

1. you're already running it on windows - whether you have it open or not so you aren't wasting valuable resources like memory.

2. its not Mozilla


1. IE is in-secure and images can be used to download and execute .exe files to your computer

2. Randomly crashes

3. Doesn't have png support

4. Has no support for CSS3, and bare support for CSS2

Not to mention 100 other in-securitys in IE which i can't be bothered to remember

And reverse list for why you should be using Firefox. Firefox is stealing IE user's by the thousands, daily, for a very good reason.

When the computer works again, use Firefox to stop this shit happening again.

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1. IE is in-secure and images can be used to download and execute .exe files to your computer

2. Randomly crashes

3. Doesn't have png support

4. Has no support for CSS3, and bare support for CSS2

Not to mention 100 other in-securitys in IE which i can't be bothered to remember

And reverse list for why you should be using Firefox. Firefox is stealing IE user's by the thousands, daily, for a very good reason.

When the computer works again, use Firefox to stop this shit happening again.

With security in the browser app itself you have a very good point but running firefox doesn't make windows any safer because IE is still running underneath - there's nothing you can do about that without buying a mac or dealing with linux so if you discount popups and other such half arsed security risks (most of which you can dodge by exercising proper precautions) you're not helping yourself.

The css2 and 3 support is another valid point but then again how many websites actually use standards compliant code anyway? - IE is more likely to correctly display or recover from shite code than any other browser.

It does support .png you just have to run it through the activeX drawing code (embrace and extend) to get the 8bit transparency.

I'm half joking on all of this - browser wars have always made me laugh - but till the bitter end (Vista) I'll be an IE boy (it all stems from writing for netscape 4 - if you were there you'll understand). IE can't be that bad or I'd have a million virii and trojans and shite wreaking havok with my system - which I don't.


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