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James Porter


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right little video i made today cause im bored as! waiting for my bike to fix its self...

sort of a teaser for... ashtonbikes...trialnoir... and whats to come over the summer months.

just summat small... and i wanted to edit summat to that first tune cause i thought it was to cool.

TV.isg.si Mirror

TF Mirror

james_ashtonselectbikes... or summat...im sure you will find it.

thanks mike :wub:

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I was wondering at first how you had managed to edit to one of pendulum's songs but then when it cut to prodigy it made a bit more sense :) , Sweet riding as always , really inspires me to get out there. Just watch with your sound levals as the camera leval was very high on the edit and made a horrible crackle at the end which nearly took my ear out :P Keep it up dude ,


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ahh wtf you just depress me!

Every time I see something of you, it's just getting silly.

AWSOME would be one of the words I could use i suppose, front wheel gap from the bench :sick:


Now hurry up and move please :P Teach me some of that shizwack one two!


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