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Big Comp


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A mate at school today was telling me about a huge ride/show coming to london soon. He was saying that there is going to be, as a main event , a big showdown between 'the best' People like Cls and such. My mate said that there would be a pot of something like 50,000 and a jeep up for grabs.

My mate may be a bit of a weirdo, or he has actual herd something or come up with a big idea. If this comp has already been arranged and i'm just way behind then i'm really sorry, but if this isn't already around, it can be done?!?!?!?!

The competition would bring people of all different cultures and nationalitys together as ' The pro's ' would all battle it out for this great sum. If this happened it would probably be quite a big thing, like t.v coverage (extreme sports) and huge sponsors and what not. All the extra money raised throughout sponsors and tickets could go towards a charity?

.. And a fun day can be had by all.

I was thinking maybe something along the lines of this could happen:

  • Bring and Buy (car boot sale)
  • Fun comps
  • Demo's
  • Sales (stores and stuff)
  • Promotional talks
  • ..... And maybe even one of Ryan Leaches performances
  • But ofcourse the Major comp

What are your views?.....

Cheers Rorz

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^^ lol

It sounds good without a couple of things...Firstly why would Ryan Leech get his own "performance" I don't particularly like him anyway, but I don't think it would be fair to allow Leech to advertise Norco in his own performace whilst the likes of CLS, Ashton, Holroyd, Akrigg, Ceasar Canas etc all advertise their own sponsors together

Demo's would be ok, but I doubt anyone would want to ride a demo before a big comp. I think just a few fun things for anyone to ride on would be enough, including entrees (??) if they wish to

I do like the idea of a car boot sale :D Not sure what would happen between stalls as well, but definitly seems like a good idea

Finally the comp thing. I don't see where 50 grand is going to appear from.... :-

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Your mates a bullshiter, and you sir are an idiot.

I concurr.

Are you trying to ask if this has been planned or are you trying to plan it yourself?

50 grand and a jeep? World champs don't even get that.

Seriously, how long is this going to go on for?

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another quality "Chinese Whispers"

whatever next? "china's going to blows up?" whats that "china BLEW up?"

i was speaking to Onzaboymark last week about stuff like this and i was speaking to chris ratcliffe about it on sunday @ the tykes comp.

they maybe dreams but its hard for something like this to come around trust me, iv done trials for 5years and iv never heard of a £50k wager.

its wishful thinking, but maybe it was a dream? it would be nice for it to happen but i would "doubt" it would happen dude.


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i was speaking to Onzaboymark last week about stuff like this and i was speaking to chris ratcliffe about it on sunday @ the tykes comp.

You big name-dropper :P

Perhaps your friend was thinking of that "International Trials Grand Prix" that happened in London at the Cycle Show last year? That had a lot of the big name riders riding there, and I think there was some kinda prize money involved, so I guess he might've had his wires crossed or something...

...or you've made it all up to start a new thread? :P

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:Plol.......... sorry mark.............. am i a tell tale tit now? :-:lol:

ye the grand prix did have £5k prize money, divided over the 1st 2nd and 3rd places...........


but not £50k ;)lol........... i would have loved it if there was though :lol::D would have loved to have been able to win 50k!!!! ow!!! thats a sum of money and half.

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