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hey those who looked in (Y) . i need some help/advice with licences.

im going to be sending my acu form off to terry graves tomorrow for him to stamp blah blah and then he will obviously send it off to where ever it is so i can get my licence to ride the hampshire rounds this year.

but i also wanna do all the nationals this year BUT i dunno anything about all this licence crap and i just realised the first round is damn soon...do i need another licence aswell as the acu thing?, pay more money/ fill in more forms and send them off somewhere else to do the nationals...i just need someone to go

"right you ginger minge...you need to d.l this form...fill it in...put £10 in...and send it off to........ and then your sorted for the rounds"

so ye, cause im a spaz i need some serious help with this pretty please.

thanks a lot:)

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Porter you will need a £25 BIU license which will allow you to ride @ koxx days you can find this "form" in the link below:


look in the right or the left hand side and it should say forms, print the BIU form off and you should be good to go :) while your there print the "1st Brit round form" off aswell for the addingham comp. send it all off and just put that the licenses have been applied for.


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Also ... as times getting short for processing ACU licences - ALWAYS put your email address on the ACU application. They will email you to say they're processing your application and your ACU number is .......

Print that email out just in case your card doesn't arrive in time for the first round of the British - I will accept that email presented at signing on if your proper card hasn't arrived.


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Also ... as times getting short for processing ACU licences - ALWAYS put your email address on the ACU application. They will email you to say they're processing your application and your ACU number is .......

Print that email out just in case your card doesn't arrive in time for the first round of the British - I will accept that email presented at signing on if your proper card hasn't arrived.



i have lost all my acu forms even though i had them yesturday IN MY HANDS when i showed terry...think i left them in wheelers car.

and i dont have a printer so i have got to get my dad to print them off..............but i dont see him untill the w/e but im going to see if he will fill it all in for me and send it off. should be reet i hope.


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